Agenda item

Motions on Notice

To consider the following Motion under Procedure Rule 11:

Social Media Training

Proposed By Councillor Juliet Brunner, seconded by Councillor Anita Clayton

“Social Media (SM) is now an integral part of the fabric of our society. It is overwhelmingly a force for good but can be, and has been, used inappropriately. 

Suitable training for Members was last provided two years ago. This is too infrequent. We call upon the Council to provide regular training in the use of Social Media.”



A Notice of Motion had been submitted by Councillor Juliet Brunner in respect of Social Media Training.  This was seconded by Councillor Anita Clayton.


In proposing the Motion Councillor Brunner explained that social media had revolutionised the ways in which people could communicate with each other and the speed at which this could take place.  Social media could also be used by elected Members to communicate with local residents.  Councillors who used social media to communicate with residents and other stakeholders needed to ensure that they did so in a morally responsible manner and were mindful of requirements set out in the Malicious Communications Act.


The previous week the Positive Activities Group, a sub-group of the Redditch Partnership chaired by Councillor Brunner and comprising representatives from the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS), had been consulted by the Mental Health Services for Young People Task Group.  During discussions at this meeting it had become apparent that social media use was having an impact on the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people in particular.  To help address this Councillor Brunner suggested that the Council should lead by example in the way that elected Members used social media.


In seconding the Motion Councillor Clayton reiterated the need for elected Members to lead by example in their use of social media.  Councillor Clayton reminded Members that unfortunately she had been subjected to bullying on social media earlier in the year and this experience had been upsetting.  To avoid distressing others when using social media it was important to ensure that careful consideration was given to messages that were communicated on these platforms.


Once the original Motion had been presented Councillor John Fisher proposed an amendment to the wording of the Motion. This amendment removed the final paragraph of the original Motion and replaced it with the following sentence; “The Council will provide suitable training on the appropriate use of social media”.  This amendment was seconded by Councillor Greg Chance.


In proposing the amendment Councillor Fisher noted that social media was relatively new as a communications tool and all Members needed to be aware of appropriate ways to communicate on social media when using these facilities.  Online abuse was not acceptable and people needed to ensure that they did not upset others through their behaviour or the language they used on social media.  In the event that a Member felt that another Member had used abusive language on social media this could be addressed through the Council’s standards procedures. There was the potential for training to be provided to Members in respect of social media and this could be discussed further at a meeting of the Member Development Steering Group.  However, Councillor Fisher suggested that the original wording of the Motion could be improved and that a similar message would be conveyed more effectively using the amended wording.


In seconding the amendment Councillor Chance concurred that social media needed to be used responsibly and that abusive language was unacceptable. The amended wording would help to convey the benefits of attending training in respect of social media and of ensuring that Members used these communication tools responsibly.


The amendment was considered by Members and following brief discussions the amendment was agreed by the Council.




the Motion be agreed in the following terms:


“Social Media (SM) is now an integral part of the fabric of our society.  It is overwhelmingly a force for good but can be used inappropriately.


The Council will provide suitable training on the appropriate use of social media.”