Agenda item

Working Groups - Update Reports

To receive verbal updates on the latest activities of the following working groups:


1)        Budget Scrutiny Working Group – Chair, Councillor Jane Potter; and


2)        Performance Scrutiny Working Group – Chair, Councillor Tom Baker-Price.


(Reports attached)


Budget Scrutiny Working Group – Chair, Councillor Jane Potter


Councillor Potter reported that the Working Group had been looking at the Council’s current arrangements and methodology for internal recharges between Council departments and services which, it was understood, was historical in nature.  During the discussions with Officers, Members had expressed concerns that the recharging process had not been regularly reviewed to ensure the process was working effectively and that all internal recharges were being processed between departments.   The Working Group had been advised by Officers that an Officer Working Group was currently reviewing the recharge framework.  Councillor Potter reported that, whilst the Working Group had appreciated and welcomed the work being undertaken by the Officer Group,  the Working Group Members  had still expressed the view that they could have an input into the process.    


Councillor Potter also reported that the Working Group had also been looking at other matters, such as housing, including the Right to Buy and Buy Back Schemes and their financial implications for the Council.


Performance Scrutiny Working Group – Chair: Councillor Tom Baker-Price


Lifeline Service - Proposals


Councillor Baker-Price reported that the Working Group had been looking at the Council’s Lifeline Service as part of the Group’s consideration of a measure on the dashboard for the service, which appeared to indicate a decline in the number of customers using the service.  Members noted that the withdrawal of funding from Worcestershire County Council’s Supporting People funding had been a key contributory factor for the reduction in use. Councillor Baker-Price advised that the Working Group had been focusing on methods to effectively market and promote the Lifeline Service, by utilising the marketing skills of staff in the Council already. 


The Head of Community Services confirmed the loss of County Council funding had been a key issue for the service.  She advised however, that there was scope to increase service’s customer base and that options were being looked at, including the potential to deliver the various Lifeline Services that can be provided to other local authorities such as Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council, which currently provided no Lifeline Service.  It was noted that a contract to provide Lifeline Services for Kettering Borough Council was already in place.


The Committee noted and supported Councillor Baker-Price’s proposed amendment to the Working Group’s recommendation that had been tabled at the meeting.  Councillor Yvonne Smith, Portfolio for Community Safety and Regulatory Services advised that she was very supportive of the proposed amendment.


Monitoring of Members’ Training Attendances on Corporate Dashboard – Proposals


Councillor Baker-Price reported on discussions that had taken place with the Democratic Services Manager in relation to Members’ attendance at training sessions and at Committee meetings, highlighting that the Working Group had observed varying levels of attendance at Member training sessions.  Members were advised that, whilst recognising the need to put training into context – training being seen as good practice or mandatory in order to serve on a Committee or as a substitute, such as for the Council’s Planning Committee - the Group were of the view that training was essential to develop the skills needed to participate in the Council’s Committee processes. 


Councillor Baker-Price advised that the Working Group were therefore recommending that consideration be given to having a measure dedicated to Councillors’ attendance at Member Training Sessions on the Council’s Corporate Dashboard that would enable data to be monitored, which was supported by the Committee.


Recording of public Committee Meetings – Proposals


Councillor Baker-Price further reported that during discussions the subject of recording public Committee meetings for broadcasting to the public via the Council’s Website had also been discussed.  The Committee was advised about various neighbouring authorities that broadcast Committee meetings by web casting or audio equipment.  The Working Group considered that broadcasting would provide better access to public meetings for residents and demonstrate the Council’s willingness for transparency.  They were therefore seeking the Committee’s views on recommending that a trial broadcast of particular Council meetings be undertaken with a view to introducing permanent broadcasting arrangements in the future.   


Members queried whether the costs for broadcasting had been looked at and whether there was currently a budget available to trial the proposal, particularly given the financial position the Council was in.   Whilst Members commented that the proposal had merit, it was felt by some that the proposal needed to be financially viable and that all cost and administrative implications should be investigated before any trial was agreed. 


On putting this matter to the vote for recommendation to the Executive Committee the proposal was not agreed.


RECOMMEND to the Executive Committee that


1)    a review of the recharge process be undertaken to ensure that these are accurately recorded in future;


2)    the Head of Community Services be mandated to explore how the Lifeline Service can incorporate a resource within the service and produce a marketing strategy, in co-operation with the Communications Team to:


a)    better market Lifeline Services to residents; and


b)   develop new business opportunities to subsidise the Service.


RECOMMENDED to the Member Support Steering Group that


a measure should be introduced on the Corporate Dashboard to monitor Members’ attendance at training sessions.




3)    the reports be noted.    


(Prior to consideration of this Agenda Item, Councillor Andy Fry declared an Other Disclosable interest in that he was distantly related to the Head of Community Services, who was in attendance at the meeting, through marriage.  Councillor Fry remained in the room and participated and voted on the matters discussed.) 

Supporting documents: