Agenda item

Update on the consultation on "Improving Disabled People's Access to Redditch Taxi Fleets"

To receive an update report on the consultation exercise being undertaken following the findings of the Overview and Scrutiny Task Group “Improving Disabled People’s Access to Redditch Taxi Fleets”.


Following on from the Licensing Committee meeting held on 18th July 2016.   Members received an update report on the consultation exercise being undertaken; following on from the findings of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Improving Access for People with Disabilities to Redditch Taxi Fleets, Task Group.


The Senior Practitioner (Licensing), Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS), introduced the report and in doing so drew Members’ attention to the recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Improving Access for People with Disabilities to Redditch Taxi Fleets, Task Group, as detailed at paragraph 3.6 in the report.  The recommendations were approved by Licensing Committee Members during the meeting held on 18th July 2016. 


The Senior Practitioner (Licensing), WRS, reminded Members that the recommendations as agreed by the Licensing Committee, were subject to further consultation.  A consultation document was produced by WRS, as detailed at Appendix 1 to the report.  At the beginning of October 2016, the consultation document was distributed to all drivers and operators licensed by Redditch Borough Council.  Details of the consultation document were also included on the Council’s website, for those wishing to respond to an online version.  The consultation document was also sent to relevant stakeholders that represented the hackney carriage and private hire trade, the police and groups within the borough that represented people with disabilities.


The Senior Practitioner (Licensing), WRS, informed the Committee that the consultation would run until 31st December 2016.  The results of the consultation would then be presented to Licensing Committee Members at the meeting on 6th March 2017.  Members were further informed that thirteen responses had been received to date.


The Senior Practitioner (Licensing), WRS, responded to questions from Members and clarified that in respect of the recommendation with regard to the displaying of stickers in licensed vehicles, which detailed information for passengers on how to report any complaints or compliments, WRS intended to include the relevant information on the ‘mini plates’ issued to all licensed drivers.  It was also the intention of WRS to roll this initiative out across the County.  A media campaign would also be launched to inform residents of the initiative.


The Senior Practitioner (Licensing), WRS, further responded and informed the Committee that the consultation period followed the Code of Practice on Consultation, which states that consultations should last for a minimum of twelve weeks.  By allowing at least twelve weeks this should enhance the quality of responses and avoid any possible legal challenge.


The Senior Practitioner (Licensing), WRS, clarified that he had contacted the Chair, Redditch Taxi Association with regard to attending their next meeting.  He had not received a response but would contact the Chair, Redditch Taxi Association again with a view to attending their next meeting to further discuss the consultation document.

Further discussion followed whereby Members stated that they welcomed the consultation document.  The recommendations as detailed, at paragraph 3.6 in the report, had raised a number of issues, the role of the Licensing Committee was to ensure that the borough continued to have a taxi service to be proud of.  Regular refresher training, especially training that helped drivers when assisting passengers with complex disabilities, was a good way forward as it would ensure that passengers were continually given the best level of service possible. 




The update on the consultation on ‘Improving Disabled People’s Access to Redditch Taxi Fleets’, be noted.

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