Agenda item

Medium Term Financial Plan Update Report - Pre-Scrutiny

To receive an update on the Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan and to determine whether to make any recommendations on this subject.


(Report and presentation to follow)


Prior to the presentation from the Officers Members discussed the number of reports for pre-decision scrutiny and the quantity of information which had been received within their additional papers pack.  The Committee was unanimous in its view that receiving such information at a late stage was not conducive to constructive scrutiny.  Officers advised that within the Council’s Constitution it was clearly stated that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee was not entitled to any document that was in draft form.  Thus, the Committee were not automatically able to see such documents until they had been published as part of the Executive Committee’s agenda; which usually occurred the day before the Overview and Scrutiny Committee met.  A number of options were considered by the Committee in this respect including an amendment to the Constitution and changing the dates of future meetings on a temporary basis until the matter could be considered by the Constitution Review Working Party. 


Officers then proceeded to deliver an update on the Budget.  During the presentation the following areas were covered:


·                The impact of the settlement and areas were clarification was still awaited, this included Localisation of Business Rates and New Homes Bonus. 

·                The option to increase Council Tax by up to 2% or £5 (Band D equivalent).

·                New Homes Bonus – the outcomes of the initial consultation and the expected final proposal and the impact on the Council.  There was an expectation that the scheme would reduce from 6 years to 4 which would have a financial impact.

·                The Efficiency Plan – a report was being developed which would be presented to the February Executive and Overview and Scrutiny Committee meetings and to Council on 20th February.

·                Details of the shortfall that needed to be addressed in order for the Council to have a balanced budget.


Following the presentation Officers responded to questions from Members, with particular focus being given to whether the Council was able to have a balanced budget for 2017/18.  Officers confirmed that a number of options were being considered in order to achieve this and a report would be brought before Members in February with full details.  A workshop was being held for all fourth tier Managers which would concentrate on commercialisation and to discuss potential income streams and additional savings which needed to be made.  There was also the option of using balances should Members wish to go down this route.


Members went on to discuss a number of options for raising additional funds, in particular strategic housing and options in respect of funds available through the New Homes Bonus scheme.  It was confirmed that a report in respect of this would be considered at the Executive Committee meeting due to be held on 17th January 2017. 


After further discussion it was


RECOMMENDED to the Constitutional Review Working Party that


the Constitutional Review Working Party give consideration to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee being permitted access to reports for the Executive Committee at an earlier stage than currently takes place; and




in the short term Officers investigate the potential to move meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to the Thursday for 2017/18.

Supporting documents: