Agenda item

Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.4 - Executive Committee Recommendations


The Mayor advised that the 17th January 2017 Executive Committee recommendations in relation to the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 (BORLP4) – which were listed for consideration at Agenda Item 8 (Executive Committee) – would be dealt with as the next item of business in the light of the public interest in this.


In accordance with the comments made at Executive Committee, members thanked the Strategic Planning Officers for their hard work on the Plan to date.  Further thanks were expressed to the various stakeholders and groups involved in the consultation process, and to elected Members for their participation. 


In proposing adoption of the Plan, Councillor Greg Chance referred to a very lengthy process, following which the evidence-based Plan had been adjudged sound by the Planning Inspector.  The Plan had been examined in public by the Inspector.  Proposed modifications to the Plan had also been subject to public consultation.   Members noted that Bromsgrove District Council had also recently approved their Plan.  


The importance to the Council of having an adopted plan and the many benefits of this, as detailed in the original report to Executive, were noted.  This included providing a clear planning framework to deliver the vision and development for the future of the area to 2030.  The lack of an up to date plan would make the town vulnerable to ad hoc planning and “planning by appeal”, with the Council’s control over development within the Borough being of vital importance.


Some Members did not support the Plan and stated that they believed it to be flawed.  Strong views were expressed that all new house build should take place in the Bordesley area, which it was felt was supported by a better road system and would therefore not create the same traffic issues for residents.  The division of new housing on one side of the town and employment on the other was also not felt to make sense.  Reference was made to the Council’s existing ‘Employment Land Review’, which involved cross-boundary agreement with Bromsgrove District Council and Stratford-on-Avon District Council in relation to the use of surrounding land for employment purposes, which was felt to be out of date and inaccurate.  It was also suggested that the potential employment opportunities from the “Eastern Gateway” were less than had been quoted.


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 17.5, the recommendations on the adoption of the BORLP4 were the subject of the following named vote:


Members voting FOR the resolutions below:


Councillors Natalie Brookes, Debbie Chance, Greg Chance, John Fisher, Andrew Fry, Bill Hartnett, Pattie Hill, Wanda King, Mark Shurmer, Rachael Smith, Yvonne Smith, Jennifer Wheeler, Pat Witherspoon and Nina Wood-Ford (14)




Members voting AGAINST the resolutions below:


Councillors Tom Baker-Price, Juliet Brunner, David Bush, Michael Chalk, Anita Clayton, Brandon Clayton, Matthew Dormer, Gay Hopkins, Jane Potter, Gareth Prosser, Antonia Pulsford, Paul Swansborough and David Thain (13)


Accordingly, the recommendations were approved and it was 




1)            the content of the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No 4 Planning Inspectorate’s Report set out in Appendix 1 to the Executive Committee report, and the associated Schedule of Main Modifications set out in Appendix 2 of the report be noted;


2)            the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No 4 as submitted and subsequently amended by the modifications set out in Appendices 2 and 3 of the report be adopted;


3)            the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No 4 Policies Map as submitted and subsequently amended by the modifications set out in Appendix 3 of the report be adopted;


4)            the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No 4 Adoption Statement and Strategic Environmental Assessment and Sustainability Appraisal Adoption Statement which form Appendices 4 and 5 of the report be noted; and


5)            authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Regeneration to undertake further minor editorial changes deemed necessary in preparing the adopted Borough Plan for publication, following consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning.