To receive the minutes and consider the recommendations for the following items:
Leisure and Cultural Services Options Review
Members discussed the Leisure and Cultural Services Options Review and in so doing noted the following:
· The involvement of both the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Executive Committee in October in reviewing the report.
· The findings of the Abbey Stadium Task Group in 2014 and the Leisure Provision Services Scrutiny review in 2015, which had highlighted the potential benefits of a trust model of service delivery.
· The changes to the rules in respect of trusts since 2015 and the timescales in which the benefits of a trust model, such as in relation to taxation, might apply.
· The work undertaken by independent advisers V4 to review Leisure and Cultural Services.
· The different models of service delivery that had been considered by V4 which had all been scored. The option with the highest score in this process had been the Local Authority Trading Company (LATC) model.
· The 1,669 residents who had completed copies of the Council’s survey in respect of Leisure and Cultural Services.
· The potential for staff to secure improved career opportunities and the possible impact that the various operating arrangements might have on the quality of services.
· The length of time it had taken to review the future operating model for Leisure and Cultural Services.
· The level of savings that could be achieved from an LATC approach to service delivery and how this compared to other forms of service delivery.
· The need for the model of service delivery that was selected to support the authority’s strategic purposes.
· The level of control that would be retained by the Council through the use of the LATC model.
Executive Committee Minutes – 31st October 2017
During consideration of the minutes Councillor Shurmer noted that he had submitted his apologies to a colleague in advance of the meeting and these should have been noted in the minutes of the meeting. Members agreed that this amendment should be made to the minutes.
subject to the amendment detailed in the preamble above the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on 31st October 2017 be received and all recommendations adopted.
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