Agenda item

Redditch Town Centre Regeneration


The Chair opened the item by noting that discussion of the matter had been postponed from July at the request of the Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Joe Baker.  This had occurred because the Executive Committee had only provided 17 days’ notice of the item in the Executive Work Programme rather than the 28 days’ notice that was legally required for key decisions.  The matter had been pre-scrutinised by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, though no recommendations had been proposed and the Chair of the Committee had not taken part in the proceedings for that item.  The Chief Executive advised that the Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had been unable to participate as the constitution required that no member who had previously taken part in making a decision on a matter, in this case the One Public Estate regeneration of the town centre considered in March 2018, could subsequently scrutinise the issue.  In line with the 1972 Local Government Act’s guidelines in respect of chairing Council meetings Councillor Baker had left the room to ensure that another Member could Chair the meeting in his absence.


The Head of Economic Development and Regeneration for North Worcestershire presented the report and highlighted that the report in respect of One Public Estate that had been considered in March 2018 had identified a preferred site for a public sector hub; on Church Road. Officers were now suggesting that this should no longer be the preferred location due to the costs involved.  There was also a lack of market evidence that this was the most appropriate location for such a hub. Instead, Redditch Town Hall had been identified as a site that was more appropriate for a public sector hub. Members were advised that the Council would continue to work with partner organisations and work on existing proposals in relation to the railway quarter and relocation of the library into the hub.


Following the presentation of the report the Committee discussed a number of matters in detail:


·                The new evidence that had emerged in respect of the most appropriate location for a public sector hub in the town centre.  Officers advised that this was based on an assessment of the market conditions, with the market for office accommodation in Redditch being quite weak.

·                The extent to which partner organisations were supportive of the change to the proposed location for the public sector hub.  The Committee was informed that the partner organisations had indicated they were supportive of these proposals.

·                The potential for the Town Hall to act as a public sector hub and the reason why other options were not being explored.  Officers advised that it was important to maintain footfall around the area of the Town Hall.

·                The potential for residential properties to be included in the regeneration of the town centre and the reasons why a residential zone was no longer explicitly referred to in the report.  Members were advised that this would be considered but was not detailed in the report.

·                The option for Redditch Town Hall to be converted into residential properties.  The Committee was informed that this did not form part of the town centre regeneration plans.

·                The potential to introduce residential properties in the town centre which could be used by those both using public transport and people who used their own vehicles.

·                The speed with which the plans for regenerating the town centre had progressed and the timescales in which it would be implemented in the future.

·                The consultation that had already been held in respect of the town centre regeneration and how this had informed plans for the future.

·                The options that had been considered in March by the Executive Committee and pre-scrutinised by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


In discussing the proposal questions were raised as to whether reference could be made to including residential properties in the recommendation for the Executive Committee to support a new multi-purpose public sector hub.  However, Members were advised that this was not possible as the proposal had been based on using the Treasury Five case model, which did not take into account residential matters.  However, it could be taken into account as part of the work on the regeneration prospectus. 


During consideration of this item Councillor Bill Hartnett proposed an amendment to the proposals detailed in the report.  This amendment was seconded by Councillor Greg Chance.


The amendment proposed that the second resolution in the report should be amended to the following:


To progress proposals outlined in the Redditch Regeneration Prospectus, with the initial focus on commissioning specialist support to produce a new vision and masterplan for the Railway Station Quarter, undertake feasibility work for the Library site and include consideration of residential use in the town centre, utilising the £50,000 already agreed by Council and that delegated authority is given to the Chief Executive to procure this support, after consultation with the Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, Town Centre and Commercialism.”


On being put to the vote the amendment was lost.


At the end of discussions on this item Members thanked the Head of North Worcestershire Economic Development for his work on the report.  The committee noted that he would be leaving the organisation shortly for another authority and Members wished him well for the future.




1)        the Council provides in principle support for the creation of a new purpose built multi-agency Public Services Hub, with a final decision to be taken by the Executive Committee following:


a)        the production of a detailed business case setting out the strategic, economic, commercial, financial and management case;


b)        identification of potential location options for the Hub and a recommended preferred site for the Hub; and


c)        negotiations with partner organisations regarding their commitment to transferring services to the Public Services Hub.


Subject to the approval of recommendation 1 above the Executive Committee RESOLVED:


1)      that delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive to procure external specialist support to develop the business case as detailed at paragraphs 3.3 - 3.4, utilising the £150,000 already agreed by Council, after consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, Town Centre and Commercialism; and


2)      to progress proposals outlined in the Redditch Regeneration Prospectus, with the initial focus on commissioning specialist support to produce a new vision and masterplan for the Railway Station Quarter and undertake feasibility work for the Library site, utilising the £50,000 already agreed by Council and that delegated authority is given to the Chief Executive to procure this support, after consultation with the Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, Town Centre and Commercialism.

Supporting documents: