Members received a report regarding the age limits for vehicles as set out in the Council’s Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicle Licensing Policies. The report invited Members to consider whether a consultation should be carried out regarding the age limits and set out statistics regarding the number of applications contrary to policy that Members had approved in the previous two years.
The Senior Practitioner (Licensing) (SPL), Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) presented the report and reminded Members of the current age limits for the different types of vehicles as set out in the table at Appendix 1.
The SPL explained that the number of applications by drivers to go outside policy was significant, and of the applications made a high percentage related to owners whose vehicles were reaching the age of 9 years who wanted an extra year. Every application made had to be considered by Members sitting on the Licensing Sub-Committee (Taxis). Processing and determining these applications formed a notable part of the workload of the licensing officers, democratic services officers and of the Committee members themselves when sitting on the Licensing Sub-Committee.
It was noted the Committee had previously considered a report regarding making changes to the vehicle age limits in November 2016, but at that time Members had decided to leave the age limits as they were.
The SPL provided data for the two years from September 2016. During this period there had been 52 applications made and referred to Licensing Sub-Committee for vehicles that did not met the age requirements in the Council’s Policy.
40 of the applications related to saloon vehicles which had reached the age of 9 years and the proprietor wanted an extra year. Of the 40 applications 36 were determined of which 31 were granted and 5 refused. This represented an approval rate of 86%.
The figures showed that a significant percentage of applications were being granted.
The SPL advised Members that the Redditch Taxi Association had for some time been asking for the age limit on renewal to be increased from 9 years to 10 years.
Taking into account the data for 2016 to 2018, the representations from the Redditch Taxi Association and the time and cost of putting the applications through Sub-Committee, Members were being asked to look afresh at whether the age limits should be amended.#
In response to questions from Members, the SPL provided details of the age limits for vehicles which had been adopted by other district councils in Worcestershire as follows:-
Bromsgrove District Council |
Hackney Carriage/ Private Hire Renewal of Saloon vehicles 10 years Renewal of Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles (WAVS) 12 years
Worcester City Council |
Hackney Carriage Renewal of Saloon vehicles 8 years Rear access WAV 10 years Side access WAV 12 years London International Hackney Carriage 15 years
Private Hire Renewal of Saloon vehicles 10 years WAV 12 years
Wychavon District Council |
Hackney Carriage Renewal of Saloon vehicles 10 years WAV 12 years
Private Hire Renewal of Saloon vehicles 10 years WAV no age limit
Malvern Hills District Council |
Hackney Carriage/ Private Hire Saloon 8 years Vehicle licenced for 5 to 8 passengers 10 years WAV 12 years
Wyre Forest District Council |
Hackney Carriage All vehicles (must be WAV) 10 years
Private Hire All vehicles 7 years
It was noted that the age limits varied in different locations and that the closest neighbours to Redditch, Bromsgrove, were operating a 10 year limit as opposed to the 9 years in Redditch.
In further discussion Members commented that increasing the limit for saloon vehicles from 9 years to 10 years should be considered. The standard of vehicles of that age coming to Sub-Committee for extensions was generally extremely good, and the addition of a year would bring Redditch into line with Bromsgrove.
Members went on to consider the Table at Appendix 1 in detail and discussed a numbers of changes to the age limits for new vehicles, replacement vehicles and for the renewal of vehicles that they felt should be subject to consultation.
It was noted that if the age limit on renewal was to be increased from 9 years to 10 years, then provision should also be made for the requirement of three inspections a year to apply during 9th year and the 10th year.
A proposal was moved and seconded that a consultation proceed on the basis of the amended age limits that the Members had discussed.
Officers be tasked to carry out a consultation exercise in relation to amending the age limits for vehicles as set out in the Council’s Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicle Licensing Policies in accordance with the amended version of Appendix 1 attached to these minutes.
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