Members received a report setting out the outcome of the consultation exercise regarding the Council’s Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Driver Licensing Policy, and the responses to the question asked about the option of removing the current requirements that drivers undertake refresher training in disability awareness and must pass a driving assessment test at least every three years.
The Licensing and Support Services Manager, Worcestershire Regulatory Service (WRS), presented the report and reminded Members of the background and the previous consideration of the policy by the Overview and Scrutiny Task Group, Improving Disabled People’s Access to Redditch Taxi Fleet. The recommendations made by the Task Group had led to the Licensing Committee making changes to the policy to introduce the requirements that drivers undertake refresher training for disability awareness and a driving assessment, every three years. These new provisions came into effect from 1st December 2017.
Following the introduction of the new requirements, there was feedback from licensed drivers that the additional tests represented a disproportionate and unjustified burden on drivers, and that disability awareness refresher training should only be required of drivers in relation to whom a complaint had been made.
In light of the strength of feeling the issue was re-considered by the Licensing Committee at its meeting on 5th March 2018 when further information was requested. The Committee considered the issue again at its meeting on 5th November and resolved to carry out a consultation exercise on the option of removing the requirement that drivers undertake disability awareness training and a driving assessment every three years.
The consultation ran from 3rd December 2018 to 31st January 2019 and Members were referred to the list of consultees at paragraph 3.16 of the report and the responses as set out in Appendix 3.
It was noted that there were 186 responses to the consultation survey, of which 123 came from licence holders and 63 from other respondents. 138 of the 186 respondents (74.2%) agreed with the proposal to remove the requirement to undertake disability awareness training and driving assessments every three years. 48 respondents (25.8%) did not agree with the proposal. Further analysis of the results had indicated that the vast majority of respondents in favour of removing the requirements were licensed drivers, whereas the majority of respondents from the “others” category were in favour of retaining the requirements.
The decision for Members in light of the consultation exercise was what amendments, if any, they would wish to make to the policy.
In discussing the report, Members made reference to various issues including:-
· The importance of providing disability awareness training in terms of promoting awareness of issues faced by disabled travellers.
· That the standards of Redditch drivers in this regard were very good and that this should be maintained.
· That it would be better to take a pro-active approach and positively reinforce high standards around disability awareness as opposed to only providing training in a reactive way in response to specific complaints.
· That whilst some drivers would prefer to see a reduction in the training requirements, this would need to be balanced against the importance of preserving the safety and comfort of disabled travellers.
· That overall the requirement for the tests to be repeated every three years seemed to be about right.
· That as the new requirements had only been introduced in December 2017 it would be premature to make changes, and the current requirements should remain in place for the time being.
Members were referred to the relevant part of the policy at page 21 of the main agenda and officers clarified that the two aspects under consideration were disability awareness and driving assessments.
Having considered the outcome of the consultation exercise, that no changes be made to the Council’s current Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Driver Licensing Policy with regard to the requirement that holders of driver licence must undertake refresher training in disability awareness and must pass a driving assessment test at least every three years.
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