Members received a report setting out the outcome of the consultation exercise regarding the draft revised Statement of Licensing Policy.
The Licensing and Support Services Manager, Worcestershire Regulatory Service (WRS), presented the report and reminded Members that the Statement of Licensing Policy needed to be re-newed every five years. The current policy had taken effect from 1st October 2014. Therefore a new Statement of Licensing Policy needed to be published by 1st October 2019.
On 16th July 2018 the Licensing Committee had approved a draft revised Statement of Licensing Policy for the purposes of consultation with the relevant parties.
The revised policy had been updated to reflect changes in legislation and guidance and Members were referred to the key changes which included:-
· A new section to explain the implications of the Immigration Act 2006 on the Council’s functions under the Licensing Act 2003.
· New wording around how the Council would deal with applications for, and suspension or revocation of, personal licences in accordance with new legislation in the Policing and Crime Act 2017 which gave Licensing Authorities the power to suspend or revoke personal licences.
· Updating of the section regarding the Live Music Act 2012 to reflect further deregulation of the licensing of entertainment.
· Updating of the section regarding powers of local authorities to adopt special policies on cumulative impact, as introduced by the Policing and Crime Act 2017.
· A new section regarding local powers to deregulate the licensing of late night refreshment under the Deregulation Act 2015.
The consultation ran from 2nd October 2018 to 11th January 2019 and Members were referred to the list of consultees at paragraph 3.16 of the report. It was noted that only one response was received on behalf of the Director of Public Health at Worcestershire County Council.
The Director of Public Health had requested that a section be added to the Statement of Licensing Policy in all districts recognising the contribution of public health to the licensing process. Such a section had been added into the draft revised Statement of Licensing Policy between paragraphs 7.21 and 7.23 the wording of which had been agreed in consultation with the Public Health Directorate.
With regard to the text of the draft revised Statement of Licensing Policy the only comments from Members related to the “Protection of Children from Harm”, and specifically paragraph 6.42 on page 110 of the main agenda pack. A request was made that some additional information should be included to direct readers of the policy to more information about safeguarding procedures for children involved in entertainment productions, and the need for suitably qualified adults to be identified to supervise/ chaperon children performing in shows and productions.
Officers confirmed that suitable wording to cover this request would be added to the policy.
The Revised Statement of Licensing Policy at Appendix 1 be amended by the addition of extra wording at paragraph 6.42 regarding the safeguarding of children involved in entertainment productions.
Subject to the inclusion of the additional wording to paragraph 6.42, the Revised Statement of Licensing Policy at Appendix 1 be approved and published to take effect on 1st June 2019.
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