Agenda item

Constitution Updates - Including Scheme of Delegations

The appendices to this report can be viewed in the Additional Papers 1 pack for this meeting.


Members considered a report which provided an update on changes made to the Scheme of Officer Delegations during the year in response to legislative changes and the introduction of new operating arrangements for Leisure and Cultural Services.  The report also set out changes to the procedure notes for the Audit, Governance and Standards, Licensing and Overview and Scrutiny Committees which reflected the introduction of public speaking arrangements as agreed by Members in 2018/19.




1)        the current version of the Officer Scheme of Delegations is agreed as set out at Appendix 1 to the report;


2)        the procedure rules for the Audit, Governance and Standards Committee, updated to include reference to public speaking at meetings of the Committee, be approved;


3)        the procedure rules for the Licensing Committee, updated to include reference to public speaking at meetings of the Committee, be approved; and


4)        the procedure rules for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, updated to include reference to public speaking at meetings of the Committee, be approved.

Supporting documents: