Civil Penalty Notices Powers – Private Sector Housing
Members noted that the introduction of civil penalty notices would provide the Council with an opportunity to address problems with rogue landlords, without having to go through a lengthy legal process. The civil penalty notices would only be used as a last resort in cases where landlords were not compliant with standard requirements. There was the potential for this to have a beneficial impact on the quality of housing provided to residents living in the private rented sector in the Borough. The maximum penalty that would need to be paid by a landlord would be £30,000.
High Quality Design – Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
The Mayor advised that he had agreed that a limited number of copies of the Additional Papers Pack 1, which contained the full report for this item, should be printed to keep the amount of paperwork generated for the item to a minimum. The report had already been considered by Members at meetings of the Planning Advisory Panel (PAP) and Executive Committee and copies had been available in the political party group rooms and could be accessed electronically on the Council’s website and the Redditch modern.gov app.
The report added to existing planning policies and would help to provide clearer direction to housing developers in respect of the Council’s design requirements for planning applications.
Upper Norgrove Site, Webheath – Development of Land
Members noted that during the Executive Committee an amendment had been proposed to one of the resolutions which would have specified a need to consider social housing for development on the site. This amendment had been defeated but the type of housing at that location would be considered in line with the Council’s planning policies should a planning application for the site be submitted at a later date.
the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on 11th June 2019 be received and all recommendations adopted.
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