Agenda item

Review of Ditches

To consider information about the condition of ditches within the Borough and to determine whether any recommendations could be made to improve those conditions.


(Report attached).


The Committee received an illustrated presentation regarding ditches in the Borough.


During the presentation, Officers explained the vast amount of legislation governing the management of local ditches and waterways.  However, they advised that the majority of ditches and water areas were outside of the control of the Council because sources of flooding could cross local authority boundaries.  Under these circumstances compliance with the Enforcement Policy for Worcestershire by local authorities within the County was crucial and the local authorities within Worcestershire were attempting to agree a core set of values.  The aim was to introduce a primary list of aims for the County as a whole as well as a secondary list of aims for specific areas within the County.


Members were informed that, under the Council’s existing Scheme of Delegation, relevant Officers were only empowered to take action that would require £500 - £1,000 expenditure.  More expensive action had to be referred to Councillors for a decision which could lead to delays.  Officers noted that often serving notice on a landowner encouraged that landowner to take action to address problems with blocked or flooded ditches.  In cases where more expensive action had to be taken the Council was entitled to recoup the losses. 


Members questioned the role of Lengthmen in addressing problems with ditches and whether any were employed within the Borough.  Officers explained that the Council did not employ a Lengthman.  However, Feckenham Parish Council had consulted with Worcestershire County Council about the possibility of a Lengthman undertaking work within the parish.  This issue fell within the remit of Worcestershire County Council as Lengthmen tended to address problems with ditches in relation to local highways.


Members discussed the circumstances that had caused flooding of the Batchley ditches in previous years.  Officers noted that some local residents had voiced concerns that the construction of the Brockhill estate had had an adverse effect on the state of the ditches within the Ward.  However, Officers explained that the state of the ditches had been affected by the flow of water from rural areas in Bromsgrove District. 


Officers explained that one of the main problems was the impact of adverse weather conditions across local authority borders.  This had further been compounded by climate change.  In July 2007 the flooding that had originated in Bromsgrove would have been difficult for Bromsgrove District Council to manage, especially as it had resulted from a rare and unpredictable set of circumstances.  Moreover, Bromsgrove, though having a similar population to Redditch, was geographically much bigger and had fewer water courses.  Officers noted that a significant way to tackle problems was to ensure effective communication, sharing of knowledge and action between local areas.  Redditch Borough Council and Bromsgrove District Council were both committed to doing so.


Officers explained that changes had been proposed to the Reservoir Act.  There was some concern amongst Officers about the Hewell Grange Reservoir, particularly due to its location on high land close to Batchley and Brockhill.  Officers would be monitoring the implications of any changes to the Reservoir Act for the Hewell Grange Reservoir.


Members were informed that the Council and other neighbouring authorities needed to take appropriate action in preparation for forthcoming pieces of legislation.  In particular, the Council would need to assess the current level of resources that were available to manage drainage issues and any further resources that might need to be allocated to this area to meet the additional responsibilities that would be awarded to the authority in the new legislation.  Officers also noted that they were working on a draft Land Drainage Policy for the Council.  This policy would address the action required to tackle future flooding problems in local drains.




1)           Officers report an update before the Committee in March 2010 on drainage issues;


2)           Officers produce a map to illustrate the Council’s land drainage responsibilities;


3)           Officers submit the Enforcement Policy for Members’ consideration alongside this update before the Committee; and


4)           subject to the comments contained in the preamble above, the report be noted.





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