Agenda item

Application 19/01575/FUL Former Play Area Edgeworth Close Redditch B98 8QQ - Mr Matthew Bough (on behalf of Redditch Borough Council)

Site plan and presentation attached


Residential development of 19 affordable dwellings with associated parking


Officers outlined the application which was for the construction of 19 affordable rented dwellings on Council owned land, namely the former play area off Edgeworth Close.  The application was being made by the Council and the proposed dwellings, 3 two bedroom bungalows, 6 two bedroom dwellings and 10 three bedroom dwellings, would form part of the Council’s housing stock.


Officers explained the layout of the site with reference to the plan on page 5 of the Site Plans and Presentations Pack and it was noted that access would be achieved by extending the existing access road at the side of numbers 96 and 104 Edgeworth Close. The plans for the site included enhancements to the wooded area as per the plan at page 20 and this area would be connected to the existing footpath network.


With regard to policy considerations, the loss of open space had to be balanced against the provision of affordable housing and the Members were referred to Policy 13 of the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No. 4 and the assessment of the proposal as set out on pages 12 to 15 of the main agenda.  Officers had concluded that the proposed development outweighed the value of the land as open space.


With regard to highways matters, each dwelling would have 2 parking spaces and there had been no objections to the scheme from County Highways.


A number of local residents had objected and the concerns raised were summarised on pages 11 and 12 of the main agenda.


Section 106 contributions would be payable as summarised on page 19 of the main agenda.


It was noted that the Council cannot currently demonstrate a five year supply of housing land.  Overall, officers had concluded that the loss of Open Space provision was offset by the enhancement of the wooded area and as such the scheme was considered to be acceptable in accordance with the policies in Local Plan No 4, and was recommended for approval.


The following speakers addressed the Committee under the Council’s public speaking rules:-


·         Mrs Janis Thompson - Local Resident (comments read by an officer)

·         Councillor Michael Rouse - Ward Member

·         Councillor Bill Hartnett – Ward Member

·         Ms Bonnie Carswell - Agent for the applicant


In discussing the application Members noted some of the points raised by the public speakers including concerns about parking and highways issues and the configuration of the proposed access road close to existing garages and parked vehicles.  Officers from County Highways confirmed that they had been made aware of the highways concerns of local residents.  The application had been carefully assessed and found to be acceptable in terms of vehicle movements in and out of the site.


Whilst acknowledging the points raised in public speaking, Members commented positively regarding the proposed development and the contribution that would be made to the affordable housing provision in the Borough.




Having regard to the development plan and to all other material considerations, authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Regeneration to grant planning permission subject to:-


a)    The satisfactory completion of a suitable legal mechanism to ensure that :

1.    Contributions are paid to the Borough Council in respect of off-site open space and equipped play and sport provision in accordance with the Council’s adopted SPD.

2.    Contributions are paid to the Borough Council towards the provision of domestic and recycling bins for the new development in accordance with the County’s Waste Strategy.

3.    Contributions are paid towards the Town Centre enhancement in accordance with the Town Centre Strategy.

4.    30% Affordable housing to be provided on site as part of the scheme.

5.    Contribution to be paid to Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust (WAHT) to be used to provide services needed by the occupants of the new homes and the community at large.  Agreement of a final sum to be delegated to the Head of Planning and Regeneration subject to verifying any deductions based on services already provided by the WAHT).

6.    Contribution to be paid to County Highways to be used towards improvement to local walking and cycling infrastructure, community transport and footway improvements.

7.    The remaining open space area to be enhanced in accordance with the approved plans shall be provided as part of the scheme before the development is first brought into use and maintained as such thereafter.

8.    Contribution of a section 106 monitoring fee (as of 1 September 2019, revised Regulations were issued to allow the Council to include a provision for monitoring fees in Section 106 Agreements to ensure the obligations set down in the Agreement are met).



b)   The conditions and informatives set out on pages 22 to 29 of the main agenda.




Supporting documents: