Agenda item

Application 19/01630/FUL - St Benedict's, Church Hall, Rowan Road Batchley Redditch B97 6NB - Birmingham Roman Catholic Diocesan Trustees

Site plan and presentation attached



Demolition of social club and erection of 11 dwellings (comprising 9 two bed houses, 1 two bed maisonette, 1 one bed maisonette) and associated development


Officers outlined the application which would involve the demolition of the existing single storey brick building formerly used as a social club, and its replacement with a residential development of 11 dwellings.


It was noted that the site was located within the urban area of Redditch with no particular policy designation.  As such the site appeared as “white land” on the Local Plan Policies map and proposals in in this category would be considered on their individual merits.


Officers explained the proposed layout of the site with reference to the relevant plans and it was noted that the proposed dwellings had been designed to be similar to those in the surrounding area.  The existing vehicular access adjacent to 16 Rowan Road would be retained.


With regard to the principle of development, it was noted that the social club had been closed since 2018 and as set on page 36 of the main agenda there were a number of physical and financial constraints that would affect its ability to re-open.  Given its urban location officers had concluded that the demolition of the existing social club and its replacement by housing was acceptable, and that in the absence of a five year supply of housing land significant weight should be attached to the fact that the scheme would contribute to providing dwellings for the Borough.


Officers were satisfied as to the proposed density of the dwellings and that acceptable separation distances could be achieved resulting in the scheme being acceptable as regards residential amenity.


Three out of the eleven dwellings would be provided as affordable homes in line with the Council’s policy on Affordable Housing.


Members were referred to the revised recommendation set out in the Update Report and the revised wording of Condition 6 which had been updated in light of the submission by the applicant of a Construction Management Plan.


The application was recommended for approval.


The following speakers addressed the Committee under the Council’s public speaking rules, the first two in objection to the application:-


·         Mr Joseph Robinson - Local Resident (comments read by an officer           )

·         Mrs Lisa Hutchings - Local Resident

·         Mr Andrew Murphy - Agent for the applicant


In responding to Members questions, officers clarified that the level of affordable housing proposed had been approved by the Councils Housing Strategy Team.

In debating the application Members acknowledged the concerns of the public speakers and the loss of a former community asset.  At the same time the financial implications of improving the existing structure were also noted, and on balance, and given the sustainable location, Members were supportive of the proposed scheme.




Having regard to the development plan and to all other material considerations, authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Regeneration to grant planning permission subject to:-


a)    The satisfactory completion of a suitable legal mechanism to ensure that :

·         Contributions are paid to the Borough Council in respect of off-site open space, and equipped play, in accordance with the Council’s adopted SPD.

·         Contributions are paid to the Borough Council towards the provision of waste and recycling facilities for the new development.

·         Contributions are paid towards the provision of improvements and environmental enhancements to the Town Centre.

·         Contributions are paid to Worcestershire County Council for localised of improvements to highway infrastructure.

·         Contributions are paid to the NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) towards GP Surgeries.

·         Contribution to be paid to the NHS Acute Hospitals (final figure to be agreed).

·         A minimum of 3 units of accommodation are restricted to affordable housing in perpetuity.

·         Section 106 monitoring fee(s) are paid to the Borough Council.




b)   The conditions and informatives set out on pages 41 to 45 of the main agenda save that Condition 6 in the main agenda be replaced with the revised wording set out below:-


6)   All development works, including demolition works shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted Construction Management Plan P19.101.09 received 10th July 2020 which includes details of measures to prevent mud or other detritus being carried onto the highway, details of site operative parking areas, material storage areas and the location of site operatives facilities, adherence to construction working hours of 8am – 6 pm Monday to Friday and 8 am – 1 pm on Saturdays with no construction working on Sundays. The measures set out in the approved Plan shall be carried out and complied with in full during the construction of the development hereby approved.


Reason: to ensure the provision of adequate on-site facilities and in the interests of highway safety and the residential amenities of the area.


Supporting documents: