Agenda item

Questions on Notice (Procedure Rule 9)


Two questions were submitted for consideration in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 9.


Housing Provision


Councillor Joe Baker asked the Leader the following question:


What assessment has the Council Housing Department made of the potential number of evictions from the private rented sector as a result of rent arrears due to Covid-19, and the likely impact on emergency housing provision in Redditch?”


The Leader referred the question to the relevant Portfolio Holder for Housing and Procurement, Councillor Craig Warhurst, to answer.


Councillor Warhurst provided the following answer:


Thank you for raising this important issue, Councillor Baker. As Members will be aware the government introduced various measures at the beginning of the pandemic for homeowners and tenants which helped minimise homelessness and it’s important that we remain focussed on keeping people in their homes so that all this good work is not undone.


Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing how many private renters in Redditch have accrued rent arrears as a result of the pandemic, and of course the cessation of the furlough arrangements may also influence this situation in the future.


Although we can’t predict the number of evictions that might be coming, what we can do is to prepare to help tenants in difficulty. We do know that there are around 4000 households renting privately in Redditch and we also know from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) that claims for Universal Credit so there is every need to plan ahead.


As a result I can advise members that we have devised a communications plan ready for launching that will use local media outlets and our own social media platforms to provide information and help for anyone in housing difficulty as a result of the pandemic.


Furthermore, work is also taking place to explore the potential for us to use some of the homelessness grants provided by central government to create a homelessness prevention fund geared towards supporting households affected by the pandemic.


I think we should acknowledge that any rise in homelessness will certainly impact on emergency housing provision. Any increase in demand has to be catered for and it is a risk faced by councils nationwide. From this perspective I should mention that the officers who deal with temporary accommodation have been meeting weekly during the last few months to monitor usage and to ensure a steady through-flow into a more settled outcome for residents. This approach has worked well to date and the demand on emergency housing has remained stable.  


So to summarise, although we cannot say how many people may present with housing issues going forwards, we can say we have planned for an increase in demand and will do our best to provide help for local households in difficulty should they need it in due course.


from 5517 in March 2020 to just over 10,000 in August.”


Councillor Baker asked the following supplementary question:


“What will happen to the homeless people staying in the Blue Inn?”


The Leader advised that a response would be provided to this supplementary question in writing.


Town’s Fund


Ms Sharon Harvey asked the Leader the following question:


What measures have been put in place by Redditch Borough Council to work with its community in an agreed schedule of public engagements and roadshows in order to develop the Town fund plan before it is submitted at the end of January 2021?”


The Leader provided the following response to this question:


The Redditch Town Deal Board and officers are in the process of putting together a stakeholder engagement plan which will include a series of measures to liaise with the general public and all relevant stakeholders. Details of these events will be published on the Redditch Borough Council website so please look here for any updates alternatively


Ms Harvey asked the following supplementary question:


“The information on Redditch Borough Council’s website cannot be found using the search facility and it is only available to view in the corporate section of the website.  We have been advised that a clear vision will emerge for the use of the Town’s Fund.  When will this vision be clarified?”


The Leader explained that the Covid-19 pandemic had caused delays in a number of areas.  A full written answer to the supplementary question would be provided outside the meeting and the Leader noted that he would also be available to discuss the matter further if required.



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