Report to follow.
The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Procurement introduced the report in respect of the Housing Revenue Account Strategic Improvement Plan Progress and in doing so highlighted the following:
• Successes had been achieved in the key compliance areas of the Housing Revenue Account Strategic Improvement Plan including gas servicing, asbestos and fire safety.
• The Covid-19 pandemic and associated lockdown had impacted on the provision of Housing Services at the Council which had forced a change in priorities so that major compliance issues and emergency and essential repairs were only carried out.
• Rent collection had been impacted due to the increase in Universal Credit applicants and residents who had been placed on furlough or had lost jobs.
• Measures had been put in place to mitigate the deficit in rent arrears and residents had been contacted regarding the options for rent payment and the process for applying for Universal Credit if needed.
• Staff had worked positively and with success throughout the implementation of the measures.
• Voids were at a record low number.
• Structural changes implemented in the Housing Service had been successful.
• Reduction of costs had been successful and reserves of £144k that had been previously agreed for use to balance the budget in 2019/20 had not needed to be used.
The Deputy Chief Executive provided further information regarding the report and the following matters were highlighted for Members’ consideration:
• The financial situation of the Housing Revenue Account was still being monitored extremely closely and the Committee was advised that the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government had had a strategic discussion with the Council regarding the impact of Covid-19 and the financial returns that had been made.
• There had been some delays in the Culture Action Plan however, it was still progressing in Housing and corporately and as a result of remote working there would be some fundamental changes however, it was important that the plans remained flexible in the current situation.
The Chair asked the following questions with regard to Housing Services:
1. How many homeless people there were currently in the Borough?
2. What was happening with the homeless people who were provided temporary accommodation during the Covid-19 pandemic at The Blue Inn?
3. Would there be an increase in local labour contracts within the Council and apprenticeship positions created?
4. What was the current turnaround timescale for Voids?
The Head of Community and Housing Services reported to Members that during lockdown rough sleepers had to be provided with temporary accommodation consequently there were no homeless people in the Borough. A number of families had been placed in temporary accommodation and the Housing Options team were working closely with the Voids team to provide a solution to more permanent accommodation. It was hoped that there would be apprenticeships established over the next 2 to 3 years in the department. Some Members expressed concerns about the retention of apprentices and the final qualifications provided to apprentices. Officers acknowledged that retention of apprentices was dependent on vacancies however, succession planning was underway to create leaders for the future to make improvements in this area.
Regarding the use of local labour, the Head of Environmental and Housing Property Services explained that over the next 12 months work would be divided into smaller programmes in order for smaller, local contractors to bid for work. It had, however, been necessary to engage non-local contractors during the pandemic in order to carry out essential works urgently.
Officers confirmed to the Committee that all staff were provided with adequate Personal Protective Equipment and undertook full risk assessments when carrying out inspections and any works. Furthermore, if tenants felt that the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment was not being utilised during appointments they were advised to report this to Housing Services. It was acknowledged that there had been problems with contacting some of the Housing teams, and although the Covid-19 pandemic had certainly had an impact it was confirmed that a simplified solution was being created in order for Members to report complaints and get responses more quickly.
The Head of Environmental and Housing Property Services explained that gas servicing was not suspended during lockdown and that due to the way gas servicing was scheduled in advance the service was able to continue with the servicing plan. This would continue as residents felt more comfortable having gas servicing staff in their property.
The Chair thanked officers for a detailed report and comprehensive answers.
the report be noted
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