Agenda item

Preventing Homelessness Report: Officer Update

To consider the Council’s response to recommendations contained in the Preventing Homelessness Report produced by the Social Overview and Scrutiny Committee in 2006.


 (Report attached)



Officers explained that the report contained an update on the actions that had been undertaken in response to recommendations contained within the Preventing Homelessness Report that had been produced by the former Social Overview and Scrutiny Committee in July 2006. 


The Chair asked Officers to explain what action the Council had undertaken to prevent homelessness and what changes had occurred to the provision of relevant services in 2007.

Officers explained to Members that Housing Options Officers and Housing Advice Officers had been encouraged to focus upon managing individual cases to ensure continuity of care.  Members were also informed that choice-based lettings had been introduced since the publication of the Preventing Homelessness report.  Officers explained that previously Council housing had been allocated in accordance with the applicant’s position on the housing list.  However, Officers explained that this approach had been inefficient.  By contrast, the choice-based letting system provided a list of available housing stock.

Under this system applicants would secure housing by bidding to become tenants of a specific property.


Members sought clarification about the impact of Discretionary Housing Payments (DHPs) on applications for housing.  Officers explained that people could apply for DHPs, or additional housing payments from the Council to subsidise a tenant’s rent payments, in exceptional circumstances.  Members were informed that the Council had spent more money as part of this scheme than had been available.  However, Members were informed that Officers were seeking to secure a grant to recover those costs.


Members discussed mediation and support for vulnerable applicants in the housing prevention process.  Officers informed Members that the Council used mediation services provided by the County Council.  In addition, Officers explained that vulnerable young tenants were referred to the charity Nightstop for mediation.  Members were informed that, unlike the County service, Nightstop provided respite care and that this was considered to be a particularly useful resource for vulnerable young people.


Members discussed the rent deposit scheme and requested clarification about its purpose.  Officers explained that the rent deposit scheme was organised as an arrangement between the tenant and the landlord.  However, as part of the scheme Officers provided additional support and advice to tenants who were experiencing tenancy difficulties.  Officers explained that this additional service was provided as part of the Council’s proactive approach to preventing homelessness. 


Members were informed that the Housing Service would be subjected to peer assessment in 2008.  This peer assessment would be undertaken by a local authority that was a regional champion for Council housing.  Officers explained that the peer assessment would review actions undertaken by the Council in response to the recommendations contained in the Social Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s report.


Members discussed measures to increase public awareness of the Council housing system.  The co-opted members signified that awareness was limited within their communities.  Officers were asked to note this situation.


Members congratulated Officers for the progress that had been made and on their performance.  Councillor Hill reported that she had been contacted by a constituent who had praised the work of a particular Housing Officer and the excellent customer service that she had provided.





1)     Officers note the level of public awareness of Council housing application arrangements; and


2)     the report be noted.


Supporting documents: