(Report to Follow)
The Strategic Housing Manager presented the Housing Strategy and in doing so highlighted the following:
· The Housing Strategy had previously been a County-wide strategy that was complex and a decision had been made to adopt a more localised approach to the strategy where tangible outcomes could be measured more easily.
· The Housing Strategy was divided into four areas Home Ownership, the Private Rental Sector, Social Housing and Homelessness.
· The Housing Strategy was written prior to the Covid-19 pandemic however, Covid-19 had been included broadly in the document as a result of the pandemic.
· The Housing Strategy would be out for public consultation for four weeks.
The Chair invited Councillor Warhurst, as Portfolio Holder for Housing and Procurement to comment on the report and the following was highlighted:
· The new Housing Strategy provided actions and presented an opportunity to focus on housing growth.
· Redditch Brough Council, as the Borough’s leading social housing provider, was increasing the amount of available stock of social housing.
· Home ownership was an important part of the strategy.
· This was a big piece of work and consisted of working with officers and partner agencies.
Following the presentation of the update report Members discussed a number of points in detail:
· Further clarification was requested on Housing First. Members were informed that the Council entered into a trial which involved getting rough sleepers off the street and provided a wraparound service for the needs of rough sleepers.
· The promotion of Right to Buy to tenants. The Committee was advised that the Right to Buy initiative resulted in a decrease of housing stock each year. It was confirmed that the details of the Right to Buy scheme were advertised widely and all information, that was statutorily required was available.
· The potential increase to Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMOs) and the difficulties in regulating them and ensuring they were of adequate quality and standard. Members were informed that this was a difficult area to monitor and relied on tenants or landlords to inform the Council if there were changes made or complaints made.
· The refurbishment of current housing stock. The Committee was informed that existing sites were being investigated for regeneration.
· The information in respect of the Right to Buy monies received by the Council and the importance of keeping Members informed of the timescales of the spend. It was confirmed, however that there was regular monitoring of the monies and this was reported bi-annually as part of the Strategic Improvement Plan. Officers undertook to provide information on the spend and to circulate accordingly.
· Further clarification was requested on the four areas in the Borough that were in the top 10% most deprived in England and what the challenges were for the strategy if it covers some of the most deprived areas in the country. It was explained that it was important to be flexible when implementing the strategy and how resources were used most effectively.
· The number of affordable homes that had increased year on year and the increase in building housing stock.
· The developments that had already received Planning permission which had not yet been built and the reasons for the delays.
· The stock condition survey that had recently been completed, which provided a programme of works for the next 20 years.
· Members requested a breakdown of those residents on the Housing Waiting List. Officers undertook to circulate this information to the Committee.
· It was discussed that there had recently been £445k awarded across Worcestershire to get rough sleepers off the streets. Members expressed an interest in the allocation of this funding for Redditch. It was agreed that this information would be circulated to Members after the meeting.
Members requested data from officers in respect of the numbers of houses that had been built and were still to be built in the Borough, this included housing that had been built with partners. Officers agreed that this information would be circulated to Members.
The Chair thanked officers and the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Procurement for their attendance at the meeting and the detailed information they provided in respect of the Housing Strategy.
the Housing Strategy be noted.
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