Agenda item

Portfolio Holder Annual Reports – Councillor Shurmer Portfolio Holder for Housing and Health

To receive a presentation from the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Health providing a brief overview of the Portfolio followed by a wider question and answer session.


(Oral report)



The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Health, Councillor Shurmer, attended the meeting to provide the third Annual Portfolio Holder Report to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  Councillor Shurmer provided a brief presentation in accordance with the requirements of the Committee. 


a) Roles and Responsibilities


Councillor Shurmer began his presentation by explaining to Members his role and responsibilities as a Portfolio Holder.  He explained that his role as a Portfolio Holder did not provide him with specific decision-making powers as these resided with the Executive Committee and full Council.  Councillor Shurmer informed Members that instead the Portfolio Holder role required him to meet relevant Officers; to maintain awareness of relevant changes; to review day-to-day performance of relevant Council services; and to act as a spokesperson for housing and health related issues.  Councillor Shurmer also explained that as a Portfolio Holder he was directly answerable to the Council for relevant issues through the Overview and Scrutiny process.


b) Key Issues for the Portfolio Holder


Councillor Shurmer explained that three main areas were covered within the remit of his Portfolio: Housing Service, Housing Strategy and Health.


Councillor Shurmer explained that choice-based lettings had been a topical Housing Services issue during his tenure as a Portfolio Holder.  Councillor Shurmer explained that the Council applied criteria in the operation of the choice-based lettings system.  These criteria reviewed the needs of the applicant and the length of time that the applicant had been waiting for housing. 


Members were informed that the Council was planning to spend £27 million housing capital monies over the following five years. 


Councillor Shurmer explained that capital expenditure required a considered approach.  Members were informed that the Council would apply capital spending work on a descending scale in accordance with the age of the property.


Councillor Shurmer explained that, within the Health remit of his Portfolio, the Council had no direct involvement with the local hospital.  However, Members were informed that the Portfolio Holder liaised with the Primary Care Trust, Mental Health Partnership Trust and health practitioners.  Councillor Shurmer explained that the Health Trainers initiative was another initiative which he had some involvement in as the relevant Portfolio Holder.  Members were informed that the intention of the Health Trainers initiative was to employ people from local communities to work with people from within those communities to address health issues.


c) Improvements to the Portfolio Holder Role


Members questioned whether there was any possibility of expanding the role of Portfolio Holder in the future.  Councillor Shurmer explained that while Portfolio Holders currently possessed no powers he envisaged in the future that the Council would review this situation and grant Portfolio Holders greater delegated powers. 


Councillor Shurmer felt that the role of Portfolio Holder for his particular portfolio area might be enhanced by using the role to heighten the profile of the portfolio area with the general public.  Members commented that this would be an effective way of educating and raising awareness within the Borough.  Councillor Shurmer explained that one way this could be achieved by the Portfolio Holder was by visiting tenants’ and residents’ organisations to provide information about the Council’s housing services.


Councillor Shurmer was thanked for attending the meeting.




the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Health’s presentation be noted.


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