Agenda item

Presentation from Public Health England - Overview Items

  • Influenza vaccinations
  • Vegetable consumption
  • Alcohol admissions
  • Childhood obesity
  • Dementia diagnosis
  • Mental Health



The Chair introduced the Dr Liz Altay and thanked her for attending the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting. Dr Altay clarified that her role was Public Health Consultant with Worcestershire County Council and not Public Health England. It was explained to Members that her attendance had been arranged in order to give a brief presentation on items that had been identified as important for further investigation at a meeting between the Leader of the Redditch Brough Council, the Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Chief Executive of the Council and agreed by the Committee at a meeting in December 2019.


Flu Vaccinations


It was explained that flu vaccinations were a very important tool in tackling Winter pressures and particularly this year in light of Covid-19. In previous years residents eligible for flu vaccinations were those aged over 65, under 65 with specific underlying health problems and pregnant women. Historically, the uptake of flu vaccinations in Worcestershire and Redditch had been quite good and higher than the England national average. The figures from last year that were received from the then Redditch and Bromsgrove (Clinical Commissioning Group) CCG for over 65s flu vaccination uptake was 73.4% and more specifically information from GP practices based in Redditch showed a 72.1% uptake. It was reported to Members that the aim was to try and achieve 75%, however very few areas achieved that target. It was reported that in England the national average uptake for the under 65s was 44.9% and in Redditch it was 46.6%. This year, in light of Covid-19 it was more important than ever to protect vulnerable residents and Central Government and NHS England had extended the eligibility for flu vaccination recipients to include children aged 2-11, to those in care homes and carers, to household contacts of those who were shielding, front-line health workers, social care workers and those aged 50-64 (once the vaccination programme had been delivered to the priority groups identified above).


Fruit and Vegetable Consumption


Members were informed that fruit and vegetable consumption in Redditch was below the national average level and had been for a number of years. The indicators were based on the percentage of adults who were eating five portions of fruit and vegetables on a daily basis. It had appeared that the figures had got worse over the past three years. It was reported that the national average was 55% and in Redditch it was lower at 46.4%.


Alcohol Admissions


The Committee was informed that the alcohol admission rates in Redditch had been worse than the national average admission rate for the previous three or four years. The rates of alcohol admission were recorded using various methods. However, it was confirmed that the rate of admission to hospital where alcohol had been identified as a contributing factor was higher than the English average and appeared to have been rising over the last few years.


Dementia Diagnosis


Members were informed that the Dementia diagnosis rate had been falling in Redditch over the previous two or three years. The rates of diagnosis were an estimate that was calculated by the number of older people that had been diagnosed by their GP versus the age and gender of the population of the particular area. The diagnosis rates were reported to Members and it was noted that in the Redditch the rate was 59% compared with the national average of 68.7%.


Childhood Obesity


It was reported to Members that the rates of childhood obesity in Redditch were lower than the national average. The figures for childhood obesity were calculated as part of the National Childhood Measurement Programme. The data that was provided to Members was in relation to the prevalence of childhood obesity of Reception Class and Year 6 children in Redditch.


The figures were as follows:




National Average

Reception Class children



Year 6 children




Members expressed an interest in the cost of the flu vaccination if residents did not fall with thin the priority group and were informed that the cost was between £12-£15.


In respect of the Dementia information that was provided, Members queried where the information regarding diagnosis of Dementia in the Borough was available. The Committee was informed that it was collected from GP lists and Public Health England profiles which provided dataset comparisons for Local Authority areas. It was agreed that the website information should be forwarded to the Democratic Officer in order to be circulated to the members of the Dementia Task Group.


Some Members expressed an interest in the number of the hospital admissions related to alcohol.  The Committee was informed that the following information was available for 2018-19 years:


              610 admissions (narrow indicator)

              2116 admissions (broader indicator).


There was further discussion regarding the impact that Covid-19 might potentially have on the diagnosis of Dementia and where information regarding any impact might be found. It was reported that the GP surgeries and CCGs held that information and currently, at this stage of the pandemic, the data might be more anecdotal and not as accurate.


The Chair invited the Head of Community and Housing Services to speak who reported some examples of the work that was being done in respect of the topics that had been presented. In doing so, she highlighted the following:


              Working with the Bromsgrove and Redditch Network (BARN) in supplying volunteers for the flu vaccination programme

              The Starting Well Programme

              The Active Kitchen Project


The Chair thanked Dr Liz Altay for her detailed and interesting presentation and for her attendance at the meeting.




the presentation be noted.