Agenda item

Task and Finish Groups - Progress Reports

To consider progress to date on current scrutiny reviews against the terms set by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee.

The current reviews in progress are:

1. Communications Task and Finish Group (Stage One),   Chair - Councillor J.  Brunner.

2. District Centres Task and Finish Group, Chair - Councillor A. Fry.

3. Fees and Charges Task and Finish Group, Chair - Councillor C. MacMillan.

4. Housing Priority Task and Finish Group, Chair -

Councillor B. Passingham

5. Gypsy and Travellers Task and Finish Group, Chair - Councillor P. Hill

6. Joint scrutiny on flooding – Representative – Councillor A. Fry


(Oral reports and / or reports attached)



The Committee considered update reports in relation to current and pending



The following oral reports were given:


a)          Communications Task and Finish Group (Stage One)– Chair Councillor J. Brunner.


Members were informed that the Group were considering final recommendations.  The Chair explained that the Group would be ready to present the initial findings from Stage One of the exercise back to Members at the following meeting.


Members agreed that the following meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee would start at 6.00pm to allow extra time for the Communications Task and Finish group presentation.


b)         District Centres Task and Finish Group– Chair Councillor A. Fry


The Chair of the District Centres Task and Finish Group explained that the Group would be meeting on the 20th December.  Members were informed that the Group was working towards making recommendations and aimed to complete the exercise by March 2008.

The Chair asked that where Members identify significant recommendations they should bring these forward, via the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, for consideration by the Executive Committee at the first opportunity.


c)         Fees and Charges Task and Finish Group
– Chair Councillor C. MacMillan


The Chair explained that the exercise was proceeding slowly due to difficulties arranging meetings.  The Chair suggested that to prevent this problem from recurring, the Group should agree multiple meeting dates in advance. 


The Chair reported to the Committee that the Head of Leisure and the Arts had been invited to the next meeting of the Group to discuss fees and charges in that service area.


d)         Housing Priority Task and Finish Group
– Chair Councillor B. Passingham


The Chair reminded the Committee that the Task and Finish Group had been postponed, pending a report regarding the initial findings of the visioning event to the Executive Committee. 


The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee explained that he had intended that the Task and Finish Group would review how the Service Plans, performance and budget monitoring reports should be considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Members discussed the Chair’s comments and concluded that this issue should be considered by the Committee.  Members agreed that the Chair should submit a scoping document focusing on how to consider these strategic documents.  The Chair agreed to liaise with relevant Officers as part of this process.


e)         Gypsies and Travellers Task and Finish Group
– Chair Councillor P. Hill


The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee reminded Members that the start date for meetings of this Group had been postponed until 2008. 


The Chair suggested that reference to the Housing Priority Task and Finish Group and the Gypsies and Travellers Task and Finish Group be removed from Item six on the agenda.


Members agreed that because these items had been postponed over a period of meetings they would only be re-introduced to the Agenda and Work Programme following a specific request from either Members or Officers. 


Members discussed the progress of the Task and Finish Groups.  Members agreed that the majority of Groups were scrutinising strategic issues that required long-term work.  Members agreed that in following years the Committee should establish a mix of both long-term strategically focused groups and short sharp review projects.  Members agreed that in following years the Committee should limit the number of Task and Finish Groups to approximately three at any one time.




                     the Committee note the reports and agree the proposed action, all as detailed in the preamble above.