Agenda item

Housing Priority performance data – summary report

To consider an explanation of the performance data for Housing discussed at the previous meeting of the Committee.



(Report to follow)





Officers presented information on the Housing Priority performance figures.  Members were informed that that it was standard practice to set performance targets three years in advance and to review them on a yearly basis.  Officers explained that they had failed to review these figures for the current year but were intending to do so in future years.  Officers explained that action plans for Officers had been put in place to help address performance issues.  


Officers explained, in relation to indicator BV183b, that the number of families in bed and breakfast accommodation had fallen by 50 per cent.  Members were informed that this reduction in numbers corresponded with the Government’s target to reduce use of bed and breakfast accommodation for families.  However, Officers explained that consequently the number of families placed in hostel accommodation had risen, which was reflected in the figures presented to Members.  Members were informed that a first stage report regarding the issue of temporary living accommodation had been produced for the consideration of the Executive Committee.


Members discussed indicator BV212, relating to average re-let times for dwellings in the financial year.  Officers clarified the performance data for this indicator, explaining that the third quarter outturns totalled 28.39 days with an accumulative total of 36 days.  Officers informed Members that this figure was below target. 


Members queried the reasons for the increase in eviction rates.  Officers explained that this was due to the previous period where fewer evictions had taken place due to the impact of tolerated trespass regulations.  Members queried whether evictees were charged for repairs to their properties.  Officers confirmed that evictees were charged.  Officers explained there had been a recent problem with tenants leaving properties in a poor state of repair.  Members questioned whether it would be possible to carry out spot checks on tenants’ homes to counteract this problem.  Officers explained that this action would be difficult to undertake due to the large size of the Council housing stock. 


Members discussed the low take up of sheltered housing and questioned whether it would be possible to sell this type of accommodation.  Officers noted that the issue was being considered and that a sheltered housing strategy was being produced by Officers. 


Officers explained that the loss of data referred to in relation to LIB231 was not caused by the loss of personal details but was rather due to the computerised system crashing and the data needing to be re-loaded.  Members were informed that the work and time needed to recover this system had a knock on effect on the performance for the year 2006/07 which had then impacted on the performance for the beginning of 2007/08.  Therefore, the target for this indicator had not been met.


Officers reported that the Council had exceeded its target performance for indicators HH13, HH17 and HH18 relating to the care and repair service and repairs and maintenance services.  Officers explained that there have been problems with customers not keeping to their appointments for repairs.  Members were informed that in order to tackle this problem, repair workers will be phoning customers on the morning they are due to visit to confirm their availability for the appointment.  Members were also informed that Officers will make contact to follow up if no response. Officers commented that these actions had improved the situation.





The Chair thanked Officers for attending the Committee to explain the Housing Priority performance figures further and commended the Housing Team for their hard work.








subject to Members’ comments, as detailed in the preamble above, the report be noted.



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