Agenda item

Portfolio Holder Annual Report – Community Leadership and Partnership (Cllr Phil Mould)

To receive a presentation from the Portfolio Holder for Community Leadership and Partnership providing a brief overview of the Portfolio followed by a wider question and answer session.


(Oral report)



Councillor Mould gave his Portfolio Holder presentation to the Committee. 


Councillor Mould began by explaining to Members the different Partnerships that he was involved with as part of his role.  He explained that the most important partnership he was involved with was the Worcestershire Partnership.  He informed Members that this Partnership comprised a complex structure that offered some limited opportunities for the Council to input.  In addition to the Partnership meetings which Councillor Mould attended on behalf of the Council, there was also a Management Group overseeing the work of the Partnership that was attended by Chief Executives and Directors from other local authorities and other key stakeholders.  Councillor Mould informed Members that Redditch was not represented on this Board.  However, various theme groups were affiliated with the Partnership which relevant officers from the Council did attend.


Councillor Mould informed Members that he also represented the Council on the Redditch Strategic Partnership.  He explained that this partnership was established in 1995 and its membership included representatives from Worcestershire PCT, the Fire Authority, the Voluntary Sector, and local education providers such as the New College.


Members queried the remit of the Redditch Partnership.  Councillor Mould explained the remit was to provide a forum for the key partners working in Redditch to agree a joined up approach for addressing key issues in the town.  Members were informed that a further key responsibility of the partnership was to deliver the Community Strategy for the town.


Councillor Mould explained to Members that he felt the Redditch Partnership lacked “teeth” as many partner organisations were unable to bring additional resources to the Partnership.  The resulting impact of this was that many organisations could not see the value in the partnership and were less likely to send senior representatives to attend meetings.


Members discussed their views on this issue.  The Chair explained that he felt one of the main disadvantages of working in a partnership model was that it dissuades organisations from being critical of each other and can weaken their ability to hold each other to account.  Members agreed that it was important, when agreeing to work in partnership, that the Council be clear about the aims and objectives of the partnership and be clear about what they want to achieve.


Members expressed concern about the apparent lack of representation of community and voluntary groups on partnerships.  Some Members felt that the Council should be more proactive in engaging with voluntary sector organisations.  Officers pointed out that efforts had been made by the Council to try to address this issue in the past including the introduction of the Community Commonwealth and the Redditch Council for Voluntary Services (RVCS).  Members were reminded that the issue of Council funding for voluntary organisations was due to be examined in a forthcoming scrutiny review.  However, it was noted that the way in which the Council provides support and advice, and not necessarily financial assistance, needed to be examined in the future. 


Councillor Mould finished his presentation by highlighting his role in representing the Council at the regional level and in providing civic leadership in the town on non-council related issues.


The Chair thanked Councillor Mould for his presentation. 




the Committee note the contents of this report, all as detailed in the preamble above.



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