Agenda item

Executive Committee


Council considered minutes from meetings of the Executive Committee held on 8th December 2020, 12th January 2021 and 19th January 2021.


The following items were discussed in detail:


Fees and Charges 2021/22


Members discussed the fees and charges that had been proposed for 2021/22.  During consideration of this report, Members noted that whilst some fees would be increased at a standard 2 per cent others would not increase at all.  However, there were some fees where a greater increase had been suggested and concerns were raised about the proposed 5.8 per cent increase for the bulky waste collection service, which represented a 50 pence increase.  On the one hand, Members raised concerns that the increase could result in a rise in fly tipping, at a significant cost to the Council and questions were raised about the potential to decrease the fee.  On the other hand, Members commented that the fee for the bulky waste collection service had not increased since 2018, the fee compared favourably to that charged by other local authorities for a similar service and the increase would help to cover the costs of the service.  Members also commented on the alternative options available to bulky waste collections, including recycling and reuse.


Financial Monitoring Report Quarter 2 2020/21


The Financial Monitoring Quarter 2 report 2020/21 was discussed and Members welcomed the proposed investment in the Arrow Valley and Morton Stanley Parks, which would involve resurfacing works and the introduction of a café and toilets at Morton Stanley Park.  Members commented that investment in outdoor facilities during the pandemic would have a positive impact on the wellbeing of local residents.


Discussions were also held about the financial position of the Council.  On the one hand, Members commented that the Council had received Government grant funding which had helped the authority to manage the impact of Covid-19.  On the other hand, concerns were raised that the Section 24 Notice that had been issued against the Council by the external auditors in 2019 still remained in place.


Independent Remuneration Panel 2021/22 Report


Members considered the Independent Remuneration Panel’s recommendations regarding Members’ allowances for 2021/22 and in doing so commented on the independence of the panel.  The Independent Remuneration Panel was thanked for their hard work.  However, Members commented that during a global pandemic, at a time when many people were struggling financially, it was difficult to justify an increase to Members’ allowances.  For this reason, Members agreed that the basic allowance and Members Special Responsibility Allowances (SRAs) should remain unchanged.


Redditch Town’s Deal – Town Investment Plan


Members considered the Redditch Town Investment Plan and during the debate in respect of this matter the following issues were highlighted:


·                The positive impact that the proposed £25 million investment, should it be approved by Government, would have on the regeneration of Redditch town centre.

·                The fact that Redditch had been shortlisted for funding.  Members noted that some towns had not been successful when they had applied for support from the Town’s Fund.

·                The work of the Town’s Board, comprising representatives of the private, public and third sectors, in respect of the proposals.  Members thanked the Board, particularly the Chair and Vice Chair, for their hard work.

·                The hard work of Officers to support the proposals, particularly officers working for the North Worcestershire Economic Development Unit (NWEDR).

·                The consultation that had been carried out during the development of the plan.  Members noted that there had been over 700 responses and that this consultation process had occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic.

·                The stakeholder engagement that had taken place with elected Members and the feedback that had been provided by Members.

·                The potential for further action to be taken to enhance the skills and aspirations of local residents.  Council was advised that this remained a local priority and had recently been raised at a meeting of the Worcestershire Leaders’ Board.

·                The opportunities that would be available in the future to continue to engage with the public regarding the proposals.

·                The information that had been obtained from previous consultation exercises which had helped to inform the process.

·                The information that had been provided on the Council’s website about the Town’s Deal.  Members expressed disappointment that there had not been a bespoke website for the Redditch Town’s Deal.

·                The remaining projects that had not been included in the Town’s Investment Plan.  Members noted that the Town’s Board had developed a range of ideas and these would be in an ideal position to pursue further, subject to additional funding being made available.

·                The history of Redditch and the potential for that heritage to be promoted throughout the town.

·                The specific projects that had been proposed for the railway quarter and for the library in the town centre.

·                The future of the library in Redditch town centre.  Members commented that there would continue to be a library in the town centre but it would be positioned in a slightly different location.

·                The Mary Portas review of town centres, that had been conducted a few years previously, which had highlighted the integral role of housing within town centres moving forward.

·                The contribution that had been made by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee through pre-scrutiny of the proposals and the further updates that the Committee would receive in future years.

·                The future position of Redditch in the twenty-first century and the contribution that the digital economy could make to the town.  Members noted that 5G would have a particularly beneficial impact on the town as a digital technology hub.




the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee held on 8th December 2020, 12th January 2021 and 19th January 2021 be approved and all recommendations adopted.



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