Councillor Chalk presented the Dementia Task Group Final Report to the committee. He thanked the members of the Task Group for taking part and individuals from external bodies who had provided witness testimonies to help inform the working group. Likewise, Councillor Chalk explained the background of the Task Group and its importance given the predicted number of individuals likely to be diagnosed with Dementia over the coming years, some of those being in Redditch Borough.
Councillor Chalk summarised the recommendations from the report. The first recommendation related to the promotion of Dementia Services in Redditch Borough by holding an event in conjunction with the Older People’s Forum and Age UK. The second recommendation related to the updating of the Older People’s Forum booklet which was available on the Council website. The last recommendation was that Councillors should be provided with Dementia Training so they could better understand the changing needs of the residents of the Borough. He recognised there would be some minor financial implications in terms of Officer time but believed they were achievable.
Members noted the report identified that there was no Public Health Practitioner operating in Redditch after the previous one had left the post. Members wondered why a replacement Public Health Practitioner had not been included in the recommendations of the Task Group. The Chief Executive responded by saying that previously Public Health had operated a model where there was a public health practitioner for each district but had modified this to a thematic based approach. He commented further that it was unlikely that the Worcestershire County Council Public Health Team would revert to the previous practice of place based Public Health Practitioners. The Chief Executive added that he and the Redditch Partnership Manager were working closely with partners as part of the local Integrated Care System through the Redditch Collaborative, so was happy to obtain up to date data and information for the Committee regarding Dementia Services.
Councillor Nazir was in attendance for the item, as the Portfolio Holder for Community Services and Regulatory Services. She thanked the members for bringing the report forward and recognised that there was not much provision of Dementia support, but there were some such as the Dementia Café at Astwood Bank. Councillor Nazir highlighted that there was also a hesitancy from GPs to diagnose individuals with Dementia.
was suggested that an additional recommendation should be added
which required the Chief Executive to return to the Overview and
Scrutiny Committee with new data and information in relation to
Dementia Services. The recommendation was made by Councillor Chalk
and seconded by Councillor Fry.
On being put to a vote, the proposal was agreed.
officers work with local agencies including the
Older People’s Forum, Age UK to hold a Dementia Awareness
Event in the Town Hall and promote the event on the Council’s
officers undertake a refresh of the Older People
Services Booklet which is currently available on the Redditch
Borough Council website and include a specific section regarding
Dementia Services available in the Borough.
Dementia Training be provided to all Elected
Members in order for them to better understand the changing needs
of the residents in the Borough.
4) As part of the work in respect of Integrated Care System, the Chief Executive of Redditch Borough Council to work alongside partner agencies to provide Members with further information on Dementia services in the Borough and potential services for the future.
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