The Committee received a verbal update on Parking Enforcement in Redditch from Kevin Hirons, Environmental Services Manager.
During the update Members’ attention was drawn to the recommendations that were agreed by Executive Committee for the Overview and Scrutiny Parking Enforcement Task Group final report from March 2020.
There was detailed discussion in respect of recommendation 1 regarding Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) being put in place in order for enforcement to take place on zigzag linesoutside of schools. The Committee were informed that this recommendation had not yet been actioned, and that the process of the implementation of TROs was a protracted one. In addition to this, the Covid-19 pandemic had inevitably caused further delays. The Chair suggested that this was something that perhaps County Councillors who were present at the meeting could raise with Worcestershire County Council. Councillor Dormer agreed to address this further at a county level to see if any progress could be made.
Some Members noted that the process could possibly beso lengthy as Worcestershire County Council (WCC) were responsible for looking at TROs across the whole of Worcestershire and not just in Redditch. It was suggested that potentially Redditch could be offered as a trial area for TROs on zigzag lines due to its tight urban setting, which could possibly result in the process being carried out more quickly.
Members discussed the use of Walking Buses to help combat
parking outside ofschools. The Environmental Services Manager
commented that this worked well with the third recommendation from
the Overview and Scrutiny Parking Enforcement Task Group final
report from March 2020 which recommended that Officers from
Redditch Borough Council work with WCC, local schools and West
Mercia Police to develop a strategy to tackle problem parking near
schools. In addition to this, the Environmental Services Manager
highlighted that the Road Safety Education Team who offered
class talks within schools.
The Chief Executive recommended that some monitoring be undertaken within the next 6 months by Officers around schools in addition to the possibility of looking into School Streets, an initiative where a temporary restriction on motorised traffic at school drop-off and pick-up times was implemented on the road outside a school. It was agreed that the Parking Enforcement Task Group be re-established to reconsider the outstanding recommendations and the possibility of the implementation of School Streets in the Borough. The Chief Executive also agreed that the earlier suggestion of offering Redditch as a trial area was apositive one and could potentially provide good outcomes for the Borough.
Councillor Beecham stated that she would be happy to volunteer as Chair of the Parking Enforcement Task Group should it be re-established and Members were happy with this suggestion. The Democratic Services Officer agreed to investigate the process for revisiting the Parking Enforcement Task Group and to contact relevant Members.
The Committee agreed that an update on Parking Enforcement be included on the Work Programme in sixth months’ time. However, it was noted that there may be little progress in respect of TROs in sixth months’ time, but it would provide a good opportunity for the Committee to receive further information from the Parking Enforcement Task Group and School Streets.
the Parking and Enforcement Update be noted, and any actions progressed subject to the preamble above.