Agenda item

Holocaust Memorial Committee Arrangements and Constitution


Members considered a report detailing the background to the proposed introduction of a constitution for the Holocaust Memorial Committee.  In discussing this matter, Members noted that there was a tradition in Redditch of holding an Annual Holocaust Memorial event on Holocaust Memorial Day in January.  The proposals would enable the Council to continue to facilitate a Holocaust Memorial event in future years. 


The proposals were subsequently discussed in some detail.  Members commented that the Council had started to work with local community representatives over 20 years’ ago on holding an annual event marking Holocaust Memorial Day.  Many Members had been involved in these arrangements for years and were proud of the fact that an event was held in the Borough observing Holocaust Memorial Day.  This was not the case in all other areas in the region and consequently many people travelled from neighbouring areas to attend the Redditch Holocaust Memorial Day commemorations each year.


The introduction of a new constitution for the Holocaust Memorial Committee was welcomed.  However, concerns were raised about the proposal for the Chair and Vice Chair of the Holocaust Memorial Committee to be Councillors who would be appointed at the Annual Council meeting in May.  As an alternative, it was suggested that it would be more appropriate for the Chair and Vice Chair of the Committee to be nominated at the first meeting of the Committee in the municipal year and that these roles should be taken by representatives of local community groups, rather than Councillors.  Council was informed that this was not intended as a criticism of the Members who had been appointed as the Chair and Vice Chair of the Committee, but it would help to ensure that the meetings were co-ordinated in an apolitical manner.  Reference was also made to the proposals detailed in the constitution, whereby the Leader and relevant Portfolio Holder would receive copies of the minutes of the Committee meetings.  The suggestion was made that the leader of the opposition should also be provided with access to copies of these minutes.


The issues that had been raised in respect of the proposals were subsequently discussed.  Members noted that this was the first constitution to be developed for the Holocaust Memorial Committee and it had been in development for a period of 12 months.  The appointment of Councillors as the Chair and Vice Chair of the Committee was an arrangement that had been in place for many years.  As the Council was providing a small budget to support the delivery of a Holocaust Memorial Day event, it was suggested that it was reasonable to expect Councillors to be appointed as the Chair and Vice Chair of the Committee. 


Community groups would continue to be involved in organising the annual Holocaust Memorial Day event in Redditch.  Reference was made to the inclusion of information about the protected characteristics and the seven principles of public life in the constitution, which demonstrated that the arrangements for organising the Holocaust Memorial Day event would remain inclusive.  Members concluded by noting that it would be helpful for the minutes of the meetings of the Holocaust Memorial Committee to be published in the public domain, except where the subject of the discussions was considered to be exempt, so that all Members and other interested parties could view the matters discussed.




the new Constitution for the Holocaust Memorial Day Committee be adopted.



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