Local Development Scheme
The Leader advised that the report in respect of the Local Development Scheme updated Members on the progress that had been made with the Local Plan review. A timetable had been included together with information about a Statement of Common Ground with Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council.
Church Green Conservation Area Adoption
The Church Green Conservation Area Report detailed proposals with respect to the conservation area. Members welcomed the proposals, which celebrated the town’s heritage, as well as the proposal to extend the conservation area to include properties located on Alcester Street. Whilst the report highlighted that the conservation area had an “at risk” status, members were advised that this would help the Council to apply for grant funding that could be used to the benefit of the conservation area.
During consideration of this item, reference was made to the consultation process that had been undertaken with respect to this report. Members expressed some disappointment in the relatively low number of responses that had been received in this consultation process. However, the feedback that had been received indicated that the proposals had received a favourable response from local stakeholders.
the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on Tuesday 26th October 2021 be received and all recommendations adopted.
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