Agenda item

HRA Update


Members received a report which detailed the Internal Audit Report – Housing Capital Programme: Position Statement October 2021.


The Head of Worcestershire Internal Audit Shared Service drew Members’ attention to pages 100 and 101 of the report and were informed that the Housing Capital Programme review was originally undertaken during 2016/2017.  The outcome of the review had identified several areas of the business which had required a more substantial control environment to better protect the Council.  The review was reported as ‘limited’ assurance, with several recommendations made with ‘high’ priority allocation due to the nature of the potential risk identified. It was a very complex position that the Housing Management faced to enhance the control environment as one element was reliant on another and were intrinsically linked.


After a very short time the current Executive Director of Resources had required a better understanding of the risk profile associated with this area and had requested that a piece of work be undertaken in order to provide an evidenced based assurance of progress.  It was agreed that to achieve this, that Internal Audit would work closely with the Housing Property Services Manager to pull together a dossier of evidence proving the progress that had been made by the Housing Team. 


Appendix 1 to the report set out the position at September 2021 but included information from the three follow ups (where applicable) thus the progression.


Members’ attention was further drawn to the Conclusion, as detailed on page 101 of the report. 


Councillor J. Brunner congratulated Officers that 88% of the recommendations had been addressed; and further commented that it had been a pleasure working with the Housing Property Services Manager and that she had realised the difficulty of the work that had to be undertaken.


The Head of Environmental & Housing Property Services stated that Officers still used SAFFRON and had been making better use of the system. 


In response to further questions from Members, the Housing Property Services Manager informed Members that all contracts used for Capital works had been verified.  His background in surveying gave him a wide understanding of procurement and procurement regulations.  The Covid-19 pandemic had prevented a lot of activities with being unable to go into resident’s homes.  A catalogue detailing these activities was currently with the team and they were putting together a new Capital programme, requiring those properties not surveyed to be surveyed, with a rolling programme which would be 5 years in duration.  Allowing officers to enter properties to identify the work needed.  With regards to properties being inspected on a yearly basis, on in the private sector; this had been picked up and was one of the things in review with the tenancy officers.  Risk based checks would be carried out, not on a yearly basis, but through an on-going programme. 


Members commented that a lot of hard work had been put in, moving from a reactive position to a proactive position.


The Head of Environmental & Housing Property Services further commented that in terms of going forward, the importance of the in- house works team and the reliance of contractors, the fact of having a tenancy side and a property side had meant that good links had now been built.


The Housing Property Services Manager explained to Members his role with the previous organisation he had been employed with, detailing his previous knowledge and skill set that he was now bringing to his current role within the authority.


The Housing Property Services Manager further responded to questions from Members with regards to the current framework that had been inherited and the National Framework and that frameworks were good for supplying specialist contractors.  Internal refurbishments would be tendered for on an open market, using local supply chains and companies.  However, there could be an increase in prices and a shortage of building materials, which would be dictated by the market.


In response to the Chair in respect of the changes that had taken place within the service area and training; the Head of Environmental & Housing Property Services informed Members that procurement training had been provided throughout the Council. Training for all members of staff in the team and all new members of staff. Officers would look at other skills that staff had, then look at any gaps internally and do a skill set appraisal, which would determine the future training offered.


The Chair took the opportunity to thank Officers for the detailed report and their responses to the questions raised.




the report be noted.



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