Levelling Up Fund
Members considered recommendations that had been made at the meeting of the Executive Committee held on 28th June 2022 on the subject of the Levelling Up Fund. It was noted that the content of the report had been debated in detail at a meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, where Members had endorsed the recommendations. In discussing the recommendations, Members welcomed the proposed investment in redevelopment of Matchborough and Winyates District Centres.
Disposal of Land – St Gregory’s Church
Members discussed the proposed disposal of land at St Gregory’s Church and in doing so welcomed the opportunity for social housing to be developed at the site. Concerns were raised that the St Gregory’s Church site had attracted a significant amount of anti-social behaviour in recent years and Members expressed the view that the development would help to address this problem moving forward.
(Prior to the debate in respect of this item, Councillors Tom Baker-Price, Andrew Fry, Bill Hartnett and Emma Marshall declared other disclosable interests. This declaration was made due to their appointment to Redditch Co-operative Homes by the Council, as Redditch Co-operative Homes was due to develop land for social housing at the site. They left the meeting and took no part in the debate nor vote thereon.
Questions were raised prior to their departure as to whether Councillor Emma Marshall had made a similar declaration of interest at the Executive Committee meeting held on 12th July 2022. Members were informed that Officers would clarify this further outside the meeting.
In the absence of both the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Luke Court was nominated to Chair the meeting during the debate and vote in respect of the report on the subject of the Disposal of Land at St Gregory’s Church.)
Executive Committee Minutes – 12th July 2022
Council considered the content of the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on 12th July 2022. Consideration was given to the decision that had been taken at this meeting in respect of the asset rationalisation of the community house located at Easemore Road. Reference was made to the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 7th July 2022 at which the proposals detailed in this report had been scrutinised. The Committee had proposed that a decision on this subject should be deferred until a full review of assets had been completed by the Council but this recommendation had been rejected by the Executive Committee. The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had subsequently been contacted by representatives of some of the tenants of the community centre as well as some residents about the decision that had been taken by the Executive Committee. Concerns had been raised regarding the matters that had been recorded as having been discussed at the Executive Committee meeting and therefore questions had been raised about the accuracy of the minutes.
The Chief Executive explained that similar correspondence had been received by senior officers the week prior to the Council meeting. Officers were aiming to provide a detailed response in relation to the action that had been taken by the Council in accordance with a specific timeline. However, the relevant lead officers for the report were on leave and therefore the final response would not be available until after the Council meeting.
the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee held on 28th June and 12th July 2022 be received and all recommendations adopted.
(During consideration of this item there were two brief adjournments, from 19.18 to 19.20 and from 19.22 to 19.33.)
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