Agenda item

22/01401/FUL - Bryant Place, Bengrove Close, Redditch, Worcestershire, B98 7SX.


This application was being reported to the Planning Committee as the application siterelated to a building and land which belonged to Redditch Borough Council. As such, theapplication fell outside the scheme of delegation to Officers.


Officers presented the report and in doing so, drew Members attention to the presentation slides on pages 5 to 17 of the Site Plans and Presentations pack.


The application was for Bryant Place “What’s Your Point” Youth Centre, Bengrove Close, Redditch and sought the partial demolition of the existing building with two ground floor extensions and the construction of a new upper floor, with external ground works.


Officers detailed that the land was classified as incidental open area and the principle for development was acceptable. Officers also detailed that adequate visibility splays could be achieved, access to the site and the on-site parking provision was also deemed acceptable.


The development sought to increase the floor area of the building from 97 to 299 Sq Meters. Officers detailed the proposed changes to the building to achieve this and drew Members’ attention to pages 11 and 12 of the Site Plans and Presentations Pack.


Officers drew Members’ attention to the increase in ridge height of the development detailed on pages 13 and 14 of the Site Plans and Presentations Pack.


Due to the aforementioned increase in size and height of the building, Officers recommended refusal for the application, as it was deemed a dominant form of development which would have a detrimental impact to the green and open appearance of the site. Officers further detailed that the materials and proposed groundworks would fail to integrate to the character of the residential area.


At the invitation of the Chair, the following speakers addressed the Committee in support of the application under the Council’s Public Speaking Rules.


Councillor Andy Fry (Member of Worcestershire County Council)

Councillor Juma Begum (Ward Member)

Councillor Emma Marshall (Ward Member)

Mr Jordan Cooke (Applicant, representing Your Ideas)

Mr Mick Fitzgerald (Applicant, Managing Director of Your Ideas)


Officers clarified the following points after questions from Members.


  • That if approved a scheme for surface water drainage would be conditioned, as advised by the drainage Officer, and this would include the the pervious nature of the tarmac area.
  • That the site had no strategic importance in relation to Policy 14 relating to incidental open space.


Members then considered the application which Officers recommended be refused.


Members expressed the opinion that the bulk, size and height of the development would not dominate the local area and some of this impact could be mitigated by an additional landscaping. Members also considered the loss of open space at the site was offset by the presence of other open space in the locality.


The lack of objections from consultees or local residents towards the application was highlighted by Members.


Members gave considerable weight to the facilities and provisions the development would provide and expressed the opinion that the upgraded facility would be of great benefit to the local and wider community and was very much needed in the area.


Councillor Hartnett proposed an Alternative Recommendation that the application be Approved due to the benefits to the area outweighing the impact of the development. This was seconded by Councillor Baker-Price.


Following the proposal of the Alternative Recommendation, there was a discussion between Members and Officers as to what Conditions needed to be attached to the application if the Alternative Recommendation was approved.


On being put to a vote, it was




having had regard to the development plan and to all other material considerations, planning permission be granted with Conditions and Informatives: Conditions were to cover the following topics;


  • A drainage scheme be submitted and approved by the Local Planning Authority.
  • Conditions as advised by the Highway Authority
  • Landscaping scheme be submitted and approved by the Local Planning Authority to include a boundary treatment.
  • Community safety advice (to be included as informative)


Supporting documents: