Members considered recommendations that had been agreed at meetings of the Executive Committee held on 21st March and 13th June 2023.
Air Quality Enhanced Monitoring Options Report
Consideration was given to the grant funding that Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) had secured to support air quality monitoring and Members thanked officers for their hard work in respect of this matter. Members noted that it was important to ensure that air quality was monitored to benefit local residents.
Housing Policies
The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Procurement presented the Housing Policies for Members’ consideration. Members were advised that the policies provided tenants with clarity regarding the respective responsibilities of tenants and the Council as their landlord. The policies would help the Council to manage anti-social behaviour (ASB), repairs and maintenance of Council properties, including compliance with safe home standards and to provide support to tenants who were aiming to downsize. Officers were thanked for their hard work in developing these policies.
During consideration of this item, Councillor Joe Baker proposed an amendment to the wording of the second recommendation in respect of the Housing Policies. The amended wording was as follows:
“Delegated authority be given to the Head of Community and Housing Services and/or Head of Environmental and Housing Property, following consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing, tenants and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, to agree any revisions to the Housing Policies following the consultation and in line with any legislative or government guidance updates.”
The amendment was proposed by Councillor Baker and seconded by Councillor Sharon Harvey.
In proposing the amendment, Councillor Baker commented that he had concerns about how the housing policies that related to recharging tenants would impact on those residents. Given the financial implications for tenants, Councillor Baker suggested that it would be appropriate for them to be consulted on any future revisions to the policies. In addition, Councillor Baker suggested that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s role in scrutinising the policies would be helpful on an ongoing basis as a way to ensure that the detail in the policies was thoroughly considered.
In seconding the amendment, Councillor Harvey suggested that Members needed assurance that any future revisions to the policies would be subject to appropriate scrutiny.
Members subsequently discussed the amendment in detail and in doing so commented on the following points:
· The role of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in reviewing the content of the Housing Policies and the existing power of the Committee to ask to scrutinise Council policies.
· The consultation referenced in the recommendation and the statutory requirements in respect of consulting with Council tenants.
· The need for transparency in terms of arrangements for consultation with tenants and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
On being put to the vote the amendment was lost.
Executive Committee Minutes – 21st March 2023
Members requested clarification about the reasons why the proposed increases to charges for the Dial a Ride service had been resolved by the Executive Committee rather than referred to Council. Officers explained that there were some charges that could be determined by the Executive Committee and it was agreed that clarification in respect of these charges would be provided in writing after the meeting.
Compulsory Purchase of a Long-Term Empty Property
Members considered a report on the subject of the compulsory purchase of a long-term empty property.
the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee held on Tuesday, 21st March and Tuesday 13th June 2023 be approved and all recommendations adopted.
(During the consideration of this item, Members discussed matters that necessitated the disclosure of exempt information. It was therefore agreed to move to exclude the press and public prior to any debate on the grounds that information would be revealed relating to any individual, which was likely to reveal the identity of any individual and which related to the financial and business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)).
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