Agenda item

Worcestershire Housing Strategy 2040 - Pre-Scrutiny (to follow)

This report will follow in an Additional Papers pack once the report has been published for consideration of the Executive Committee (due for publication on Monday 17th July 2023).


The Deputy Chief Executive presented the Worcestershire Housing Strategy 2040 for Members’ consideration. During the presentation the following was highlighted:


·       This was a high level strategy for the County until 2040 and was the culmination of many months of work undertaken by the Worcestershire Housing Strategy Board chaired by the Chief Executive of Redditch Borough Council. The strategy provided the foundation for a more detailed Local Action Plan that would be focussed on Redditch and prepared by Officers.

·       Councils across the County had been involved in the development of the strategy recognising that decisions currently being made would have significant impact on housing in the future. There had a been an extensive amount of consultation across all stakeholders during the preparation of the strategy.

·       The vision would be delivered through four priority areas which were identified as follows:


o   Economic growth and jobs

o   Quality and standards

o   Health and wellbeing

o   Net zero carbon and climate change.


It was noted that the above priorities were also considered Council priorities and would be looked at as part of the Council Plan refresh due to take place later in the year.


·       As the strategy set out a 20-year ambition, the proposals would be delivered in three levels of detail:


1.     A 100-day plan to create momentum and promote awareness.

2.     A 5-year action plan setting out key priorities across each of the four priority areas. These actions will be delivered through Countywide delivery groups.

3.     A twenty-year road map outlining how the components of the strategy would support the delivery of the vision.


Finally, it was reiterated to Members that this was a high level strategy for the County which was underpinned by a significant amount of data. A more detailed plan would be developed and tailored towards the needs of Redditch and its residents.


During a detailed discussion the following areas were considered by Members:


·       The 100-day plan to create momentum and promote awareness – had work on this area already started? Officers explained that they were not aware of the specific date when the 100-day plan would be available. However, Members were reassured that this piece of work would not be done in isolation and a number of service areas would be involvedincluding, Housing Strategy and Planning. It was anticipated that a draft 100-day plan would be available fairly quickly and that Officers were already undertaking preparatory work in this area.

·       The membership of the Worcestershire Housing Strategy Board – Members queried who was the Council representatives on this Board. It was confirmed, as outlined earlier in the meeting that the Chief Executive of Redditch Borough Council had chaired the Board. Members were informed that a working group sat underneath this Board and that the Council representatives had included the Head of Community and Housing Services, the Housing Development & Enabling Manager and the Strategic Housing Officer. It was confirmed that these Officers would also be managing housing projects and helping to develop the programme going forward.

·       Community Engagement – this was an important area that needed to be considered, in order for residents to understand the purpose of the strategy and the Local Action Plan and ensure its sustainability for the future.

·       Specification of future developments – Members were interested in better understanding whether future developments within the Borough would be of a high specification. It was confirmed that this would be looked at within the Planning Policy framework. It was acknowledged that this area was critical in tackling climate change and providing affordability and quality in future developments.

·       The increase of residents living alone across the County in the future – Members noted that included in the report was data that predicted the number of residents living alone across the County would increase by 35% by 2035. It was noted that this would inevitably have social impacts within the Borough and Members were concerned as to how Officers planned to prevent social isolation in the future. Officers stated that this was not a problem that had a quick fix, nor could it be delivered by Redditch Borough Council in isolation. It would need significant work across all partners. However, it was noted that the Community Safety Team within the Council already worked with vulnerable and isolated residents within the Borough and that this work would continue in the future.

·       Retrofitting of properties within the Borough – contained within the Worcestershire Housing Strategy 2040 was a ‘strategic lever’ regarding support for the development of low-carbon supply chains to deliver high quality, best value retrofits to the public and social and affordable housing sector. Members were concerned that this might prove difficult and expensive for the Council in the future in respect of its own housing stock. Furthermore, Members felt that homeowners would also need signposting in order to access funding for retrofitting their own properties in light of the current Cost of Living crisis. It was suggested that an amendment to the recommendations contained within the report be made in order to ensure that this was considered as part of the development of the Local Action Plan. Members were reminded in respect of the Council’s housing stock that an Executive Committee report had been considered in February 2023 that dealt with the 30 year HRA business plan, investment programme and asset management strategy for council housing. Also included in this report had been details regarding the plans to undertake stock condition surveys of housing stock to better understand what was required for the future.

·       Financial Implications – Members queried the accuracy of the information contained within the covering report which stated that there would be no financial implications as a result of the adoption of the strategy. It was clarified that any financial implications would be experienced with the development and adoption of the more detailed Local Action Plan. This would include the cost of Officer time and resource in order to deliver the plan.

·       Adoption of the strategy by other Councils within the County – Members were concerned of the risks involved should the other Councils choose not to adopt this strategy for the future. It was explained that Bromsgrove District Council had already agreed to adopt the strategy at its Full Council meeting and that it seemed that other Councils were all on board in using the fundamental principles contained within the strategy,as a foundation to their more detailed plans. It was explained that this was a good opportunity to strengthen partnership working across all Councils within the County in order to move in the right direction. Members felt that this was an ambitious plan and welcomed the potential to have a more joined up approach to partnership working and felt that this was a great opportunity to maximise this approach for the future. Particularly when thinking about keeping young people within the Borough.


Following on from the earlier discussion regarding retrofitting of properties Councillor Kane suggested that an addition be made in respect of the second recommendation contained within the report which related to retrofitting for Council stock and residents who owned their own homes. The addition was suggested as follows:


Officers be asked to develop a Borough LevelAction Plan with consideration given to the proposals in this Strategy.


a.     The Action Plan should include what support will be available for homeowners to retrofit their own property taking into account the Cost of Living Crisis; and

b.    The Action Plan to include what plans the Council had to deliver retrofitting improvements within its own housing stock.


Members discussed the additions in detail. However as outlined earlier in the meeting, the 30 year HRA business plan, investment programme and asset management strategy for council housing report considered earlier in 2023 had outlined the plans for the future of Council housing stock and therefore Members did not think that the second addition was necessary as plans were already in place in respect of Council housing stock. However, there was further discussion regarding the current Cost of Living crisis and the need for homeowners to understand any future costs they may have in respect of retrofitting their own properties and whether there was any funding available to provide assistance. This information could be included as part of the Local Action Plan. Therefore, Councillor Kane amended the addition to the recommendation as follows:


Officers be asked to develop a Borough Level Action Plan with consideration given to the proposals in this Strategy.


a.     The Action Plan to include what support will be available for homeowners to retrofit their own property taking into account the Cost of Living crisis.


On being put to the vote the addition to the recommendation was carried.


RECOMMENDED to the Executive Committee that the following addition (in italics) be inserted into recommendation 2 of the Worcestershire Housing Strategy report:


2)    The Worcestershire Housing Strategy 2021 – 2040 be adopted.


3)    Officers be asked to develop a Borough Level Action Plan with consideration given to the proposals in this Strategy.


a.     The Action Plan to include what support will be available for homeowners to retrofit their own property taking into account the Cost of Living crisis.



Supporting documents: