Agenda item

22/01316/OUT - Land Rear of Sambourne Lane, Astwood Bank, Worcestershire


This application was being reported to the Planning Committee as eleven or more representations in objection to the application had been received, the application was subject to a planning obligation and the recommendation was for approval.

Officers presented the report and in doing so, drew Membersattention to the presentation slides on pages 5 to 15 of the Site Plans and Presentations pack.

The application was for the Land rear of Sambourne Lane,
Astwood Bank, B96 6EP
and sought outline approval with the matter of appearance reserved for 9 self-build / custom build detached dwellings with access.


The application was considered at Planning Committeeon 26th July 2023, where the application was deferred to allow Members to visit the site.The site visit, accompanied by the Case Officer took place on Friday 8th September2023.


Officers confirmed to Members that the application was for 9 self-build dwellings and that matters of appearance had not been considered as they would be covered under separate planning applications for the individual plots. Officers further clarified that the plot boundaries detailed on page 9 of the Site Plans and Presentations pack would be the maximum footprint of the buildings and any dwellings needed to be situated entirely within those build zones.


Officers informed Members that the Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 placed an obligation on Councils to supply plots for self-build units and that there was a 10-plot shortfall within Redditch Borough Council, therefore, significant weight should be afforded to this matter.


The additional and current tree screening was identified by Officers on page 9 of the Site Plans and Presentation pack, indicated in a Light and dark green colour respectively. Officers further detailed to Members that the development was considered well screened and would not be very visible from the main highways.


At the invitation of the Chair, the following speakers addressed the Committee under the Council’s Public Speaking Rules


  • Karen Baggott (3 Minutes) - Local Resident (in objection)
  • Fraser Baggott (3 Minutes) - Local Resident (in objection)
  • Simon Walker (3 Minutes) - Local Resident (in objection)
  • Brandon Clayton (3 Minutes) - Ward Councillor (in objection)
  • John Jowitt (9 minutes) – Agent for the applicant (in support)


Officers clarified the following points after questions from Members.


  • That there were no Tree Protection Orders (TPOs) on  any of the trees on the site, therefore, any of the Landowners could remove the trees on their property at any time.
  • That in response to representations claiming the presence of great crested newts. Officers informed Members that there was no evidence found by an eDNA report to support the claim. Should any activity be identified, work would be halted whilst the applicant applied for a Natural England licence and whilst appropriate measures were put in place.
  • There was no special designation on the site in the Local Plan. The site was formed from the rear gardens of properties and is not a wildlife site.
  • The site would have an independent septic tank and would not be connected to the mains system. Any specifics as to the further arrangements would be covered under building regulations and was not a consideration for the Committee.


Members expressed the opinion that it was a difficult application, but that Officers had adequately answered the objections raised by the residents and any further questions Members had with regard to Material Planning Considerations, therefore, on being put to a vote, it was.




having had regard to the development plan and to all other material considerations, authority be delegated to the Head of Planning, Regeneration and Leisure Services to GRANT outline planning permission subject to: -


a)    The satisfactory completion of a Section 106 planning obligation ensuring that the dwellings be provided as custom / self-build only.

b)    Conditions and Informatives as detailed on pages 33 to 39 of the Public Reports pack.


Supporting documents: