Agenda item

Motions on Notice (Procedure Rule 11)


The Mayor advised that two Motions on Notice had been received for this meeting.


Community Events in the Summer.


Councillor Sharon Harvey submitted the following Motion for consideration:


That the Council records a vote of thanks to all the community groups and organisations who have organised public events throughout the summer.”


Councillor Harvey proposed the Motion and it was seconded by Councillor Joe Baker.


In proposing the Motion Councillor Harvey referred to the wide variety of events which had taken place over the summer in Redditch, including the Astwood Bank and Redditch Carnivals and the free event of the REDI centre Open Day which was held to improve residents’ wellbeing and the Beach On the Green, held by Batchley Support Group with the support of the BID. 


In seconding the Motion, Councillor Baker highlighted the Forge Mill Heritage Day which was one of the many assets in the Town.  He referred to the many Community Groups who had made the events happen for the benefit of the town. 


During consideration of the Motion members referred to events which had taken place across the town over the summer.  They expressed their appreciation for the work done by volunteers and communities as part of this and their pride in the town and for its residents.  They also referred to events which were due to be held in the autumn.  The Leader suggested that the Council’s thanks might be given to community groups on an annual basis.  The proposer and seconder agreed to this being added to the motion.


It was also suggested that representatives of community groups could be invited to the annual Mayor making when their endeavours could also be recognised. 




the Council records a vote of thanks to all the community groups and organisations who have organised public events throughout the summer and Council’s thanks be given to community groups on an annual basis.


Live Animals as Prizes


Councillor Andy Fry had submitted the following Motion on Notice:


Redditch Borough Council will not allow any live animals to be given as prizes on land we own or community centres we have an interest in. The RSPCA have voiced their concerns over many years and many Councils have taken similar action as they are aware the fish are neglected.”


Councillor Andy Fry proposed the Motion and it was seconded by Councillor Monica Stringfellow.


In proposing the Motion, Councillor Fry referred to the RSPCA campaign to encourage people that giving live animals as prizes should be phased out.  Although the practice was less common, he considered the Council should lead the way in ensuring it did not take place at events on its land.  In many cases prize winners were not prepared to take on the responsibility of caring for a live animal which could incur unexpected costs.


In seconding the Motion, Councillor Stringfellow referred to research which showed that fish were kept in less than suitable circumstances, often not at the correct temperature.  After being won they were then kept at best in a bowl or often illegally dumped.  It would show compassion to ban the practice.


The Leader suggested that the introduction of a Council policy would be a robust response to the Motion.  The proposer and seconder agreed that some words could be added to the end of the Motion “and that this be incorporated in a policy for Council consideration”.




Redditch Borough Council will not allow any live animals to be given as prizes on land we own or community centres we have an interest in. The RSPCA have voiced their concerns over many years and many Councils have taken similar action as they are aware the fish are neglected and that this be incorporated in a policy for Council consideration.

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