Agenda item

Impact of public space improvement works in Unicorn Hill and Church Green West on the taxi rank at Unicorn Hill


The Principal Licensing Officer, Worcester Regulatory Services (WRS), presented the report to Members. The purpose of the report was to inform Members of the required changes to the hackney carriage stands to facilitate public realm improvement works. Officers also sought approval to carry out the advertising process necessary to revoke and make hackney carriage stand orders.


Officers detailed that currently the entire 85m length of unicorn hill is designated as a hackney carriage stand (taxi rank) which accommodated approximately 17 vehicles and operated 24 hours a day. This was deemed excessive for a large portion of the time during the day, therefore, development plans proposed to alter the area.


Members attention was drawn to the proposed layout detailed on page 183 in the Public Reports Pack. The first 26m length would be designated as a Taxi rank 24/7 and would see no change, this would accommodate approximately 7 vehicles. The next 36m length would provide short stay parking between the hours of 08:00 to 18:00 hours for public use, outside of aforementioned hours it would be designated as space for the taxi service only.


After the taxi rank and public parking there would be an additional 13m of disabled parking for blue badge holders only. Finally, after the parking areas there would be a designated loading/ unloading area for local businesses.


Officers detailed that the first stage of the process would be to advertise the proposed changes which would allow for written objections or representation to be submitted, at which point the matter would be brought back before Members for determination.


The following was clarified after questions from Members.


  • That there were approximately 17 bays under the existing hackney carriage stand, therefore, the new arrangements would reduce this number by approximately 10 bays during the day and 3 during evenings.
  • That there were no plans for additional taxi ranks within the area, however, Officers were willing to consider any options raised by Members or the trade.
  • Due to the medium which the notice had to be published in (a Paper advertisement) the information which could be relayed would be limited, however, the advertisement would direct interested parties to further information. Officers also highlighted that the Trade had already been informed but an additional email would be sent out when the change is advertised to alert all drivers.
  • There was no current provision for loading or Disabled parking along Unicorn Hill. Local businesses are forced to unload whilst parked on the taxi rank.


Members then debated the application.


It was highlighted that the improvements allowed for more flexibility for taxi drivers as it would permit them to use the short stay parking to temporarily park and leave their vehicle to allow them to have a comfort or lunch break, as leaving their vehicle was not permitted whilst parked on any areas designated as a taxi rank.


Members agreed that the advertisement should be sent out and responses collected which they would then review when it came back to the Licencing Committee.


On being put to a vote it was.




Officers be directed to carryout the advertising process required in order for the Council to beable to revoke the existing Hackney Carriage Stand Orders andmake new Hackney Carriage Stand Orders in respect of UnicornHill.


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