Agenda item

Quarter 2 Performance Monitoring Update Report 2023/24


The Managing Director of Rubicon Leisure Limited presented the Quarter 2 Performance Monitoring Update Report 2023/24 for the Committee’s consideration.


During discussions in respect of this item, the following points were raised:


·             There had been strong performance at the Abbey Stadium during the year. 

·             Rubicon Leisure Limited was working with the Public Health team on exercise classes for people with diabetes.

·             The company was working with Redditch Borough Council on the refurbishment of the changing rooms at the stadium.

·             The Palace Theatre was also performing well with the pantomime proving to be particularly popular.

·             There was an enhanced coffee bar at Forge Mill Needle Museum and, as a consequence, Rubicon Leisure Limited could cater for events held at the venue.

·             Seating had been installed on the mezzanine level at the Arrow Valley Countryside Centre and this could be used for conferences.

·             Works were being undertaken in respect of the pontoon at the Arrow Valley Lake.

·             A lot of work was being undertaken with respect to customer engagement, through updates to the company’s website and other media profiles.

·             Rubicon Leisure Limited had been working with Redditch District Collaborators on the co-location of services. 

·             The company was also working in partnership with the Redditch Health and Wellbeing Team on various projects.


After the report had been presented, Members discussed the following points in detail:


·             The good performance that had been reported for the facilities managed by Rubicon Leisure Limited during the first two quarters of the 2023/24 financial year.

·             The action that was being taken to market services and activities provided by Rubicon Leisure Limited. 

·             The work that had been delivered in respect of health and safety compliance and whether any areas of concern had been identified.  Members were advised that no areas of concern had been identified to date, although staff remained vigilant.

·             The role of Rubicon Leisure Limited in terms of managing the community centres situated in the Borough and how these were performing.  Members were informed that the community centres were promoted by Rubicon Leisure Limited and the company was soon to launch a new booking system on which potential customers would be able to view the availability of particular centres for hire.

·             The work that was being undertaken by the Council to review community assets to ensure compliance with legal requirements in respect of the energy efficiency of buildings and the extent to which the community centres were likely to achieve compliance by 2026.  Officers explained that this formed part of a Council-wide review.  The outcomes of this review would be reported to the Executive Committee in 2024.

·             The interest that had been expressed by some amateur football groups to Members in terms of hiring space in which to hold matches and the difficulties that had been experienced in terms of making contact to enquire about bookings.  Members were asked to refer these queries to the Managing Director of Rubicon Leisure Limited.

·             The quick timescales in which problems observed at facilities managed by Rubicon Leisure Limited were resolved once they had been reported.

·             The quality of the food and beverage offer available at Pitcheroak Golf Course, which Members complimented.

·             The extent to which heat supplied from Redditch Crematorium heated the swimming pool at the Abbey Stadium.

·             The criticisms that were sometimes levelled at Redditch, in terms of the availability of things to do in the Borough.  Members commented that action needed to be taken to promote the facilities, events and activities that were available in the town.

·             The Christmas Lights Event in Redditch in November 2023, which had been attended by the singer and television personality, Mr Peter Andre.  Members commented that this had been a very successful event which had been attended by a lot of people.

·             The potential for the new Managing Director of Rubicon Leisure Limited to bring fresh ideas to the company based on his previous career experiences.  Members were advised that the emphasis needed to be on improving, maximising and investing in the facilities managed by Rubicon Leisure Limited on behalf of the Council.

·             The opportunities available to improve the food and beverage offer at the Arrow Valley Countryside Centre.

·             The positive impact that the introduction of outdoor toilet facilities at the Arrow Valley Park would have at the site.

·             The possibility of introducing more water sports at the Arrow Valley Lake, subject to the legal requirements in respect of use of this site. 




the report be noted.


(During consideration of this item, Members discussed matters that necessitated the disclosure of exempt information. It was therefore agreed to move to exclude the press and public prior to any debate on the grounds that information would be revealed which related to the financial and business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)).



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