Agenda item

Councillor Calls for Action (CCfA)

To consider Councillor Calls for Action procedures that have been introduced at other local authorities and to identify options that could potentially be utilised in a Redditch Borough Council CCfA process.


(Reports being circulated separately).


The Chair explained that, owing to ill health, the Head of Legal, Democratic and Property Services had been unable to attend the meeting.  He therefore proposed that the Committee postpone consideration of details about the Councillor Call for Action (CCfA) procedures adopted at other local authorities until the following meeting of the Committee.


Officers confirmed that, as requested at the previous meeting, Officers had utilised copies of the CCfA request forms that had been produced by Worcestershire County Council and Birmingham City Council, to produce a draft form for Redditch Borough Council.   This had been sent to the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee for consideration.  Confirmation of the contents of this form would occur on the return of the Head of Legal, Democratic and Property Services.


Members noted that a large amount of paperwork had been issued containing details about the CCfA processes utilised at other local authorities. 




1)           the contents of the Councillor Call for Action form for Redditch Borough Council be finalised for use as soon as possible;


2)           Members consider details about Councillor Call for Action processes at other local authorities at the following meeting of the Committee; and


3)           Members retain the paperwork relating to the Councillor Call for Action processes at other local authorities for consideration at their following meeting.


Supporting documents: