Agenda item

Motions on Notice (Procedure Rule 11)


The Mayor advised that one Motion on Notice had been received for this meeting.


Hillcrest Ward


Councillor David Munro had submitted the following Motion for consideration, which was proposed in his absence by Councillor Ian Woodall: 


“That the Council asks Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust to reconsider the proposed closure of Hillcrest Ward in Redditch and the consequential transfer of all adult acute mental health in-patient treatment to the Elgar Unit at the Worcester Royal Acute Hospital site”.


In proposing the Motion, Councillor Woodall referred to a recent meeting of the Worcestershire County Council Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (HOSC) which Councillor Munro had attended to observe and where the redesign of Adult Mental Health Inpatient and Rehabilitation Services had been discussed.  It was acknowledged that action needed to be taken following a Care Quality Commission (CQC) report based on inspections in 2023.  The report was critical of the safety and effectiveness of the adult mental health services and rated them as “Requires Improvement”.  The Acute ward for adults of working age and the psychiatric intensive care units were rated “Inadequate”.    Councillor Woodall referred to specific issues raised by the CQC at Hillcrest ward, including safety not being prioritised and maintenance, cleaning and staffing issues.


The Health and Care Trust had reported that it would strive to treat admitted patients locally.  Councillor Woodall reported that the reality was that facilities currently available were due to be improved in Worcester and Hereford but, as part of the reconfiguration proposals, present inpatient acute provision in Redditch was due to be transferred to Worcester.  This would be a loss to the town which followed previous changes to maternity and paediatric services.


The Motion was seconded by Councillor Rita Rogers, who referred to the detrimental impact that a loss of beds in Redditch would have on the ability of residents to access services, both as patients and carers.  She also suggested that Worcestershire County Councillors could advocate retention of services in the Town as the County Council was a partner in service provision and delivery.  She expressed concern that the services in Worcester were not of an appropriate standard to justify the relocation of services from Redditch.


During consideration of the Motion the main points discussed were:


·       The reasons for changes in service provision that had been given at the HOSC meeting and which reflected changes that were needed in mental health service provision.

·       The Get it Right First-Time guidance from the Royal College of Physicians advocated provision of the right type of treatment for the variety of patients who were treated. 

·       Major changes to health needed to be agreed by the Secretary of State for Health and thus the motion was premature as the consultation was still ongoing.

·       A Member reported that HOSC members had visited Hillcrest to see the changes proposed and the building would be used for other purposes in treating mental health.  It was clarified that the building was owned by the Health and Care Trust and not the Acute Hospitals Trust.

·       The removal of health services from the Town to Worcester was a backward step since new housing developments were increasing the size of the population.

·       Patients suffering mental health issues and their carers would experience extra strain by having to find transport to Worcester for treatment.

·       It was suggested that the consultation period was long enough that there would be time for the Redditch Overview and Scrutiny Committee to scrutinise the proposals and invite representatives of the relevant organisations, such as the Health and Care Trust, to attend a meeting.  Arising from this, Councillor Woodall agreed to add the following to the Motion: “Council asks the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to scrutinise the proposals for Reconfiguration of Adult Mental Health Inpatient and Rehabilitation services.”

·       NHS England had called for a review of mental health service provision nationally because of a reduction in the number of mental health inpatient beds and therefore it was appropriate for the Council to review the proposals.




1)    Council asks the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to scrutinise the proposals for Reconfiguration of Adult Mental Health Inpatient and Rehabilitation services; and


2)    Council asks Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust to reconsider the proposed closure of Hillcrest Ward in Redditch and the consequential transfer of all adult acute mental health in-patient treatment to the Elgar Unit at the Worcester Royal Acute Hospital site.




Supporting documents: