Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Training Event - Consideration of Items Suitable for Scrutiny


The Committee considered items of business discussed at the Overview and Scrutiny training session in June 2024 that would be suitable for scrutiny in the 2024-25 municipal year.


It was noted that paragraph 3.6 of the report listed items put forward by Members as potentially suitable for consideration at meetings of Overview and Scrutiny. Following discussion, the items that were taken forward to be considered by Overview and Scrutiny in 2024-25 were as follows:


  • Modelling financial implications of various decisions relating to Redditch Library – full report to Overview and Scrutiny meeting


  • Decarbonisation of the Council’s Capital Programme – via a verbal or written update at Overview and Scrutiny meeting


  • Parking Enforcement – Management of Contract – Overview and Scrutiny to scrutinise this item once the Executive report on this subject becomes available


  • Play and Parks Provision – full report to Overview and Scrutiny


  • Review of Health Inequalities – report to Overview and Scrutiny to revisit the outcomes of a previous review of health inequalities undertaken by Redditch Councillors and whether further investigation was required.


·       State of the River Arrow – It was noted that as a main river this was an area under the responsibility of Environment Agency (EA). It was clarified that the issue Members wished to consider were water quality issues along the brooks and streams to the River Arrow, including the impact of invasive species such as Himalayan Blossom on these areas. It was stated that North Worcestershire Water Management (NWWM) had undertaken work on invasive species and the brooks and smaller waterways that came under the Council’s and NWWMs control. This issue was agreed to be considered by Overview and Scrutiny.


The following items were suggested, as per paragraph 3.7 of the report, for consideration by the Task Groups and Working Groups:


·       Road maintenance and cleanliness – to be considered by the Performance Scrutiny Working Group


·       Upkeep of verges – to be considered by the Performance Scrutiny Working Group


·       Aspirations / future for young people including job provision and recreational activities – it was noted that this would be included as part of the remit of the Post-16 Education Task Group, with the terms of reference due to come before the Committee prior to this Task Group commencing with meetings.


With respect of the following items, it was determined these items would be considered via alternative formats to reports at Overview and Scrutiny:


  • Pension fund investment – strategies for divestment from carbon-intensive investments – It was proposed that the Chairman of Pensions Investment Sub-Committee (Worcestershire County Council) should be approached for a briefing paper on the current position.


  • Operation of various tier authorities in Redditch Borough (including County Council – Borough Council joint working) – It was clarified that this did not concern whether to consider options with regard to unitary authority system but concerned cooperation between the County Council and Redditch Borough Council and how the relationship could be improved. It was suggested that before a decision was made on whether Overview and Scrutiny consider this item, the Leader of the Council should be afforded the opportunity to liaise with the County Council and other district-level authorities in Worcestershire.


  • Decarbonisation of the Council’s Capital Programme – This item was deemed to be suitable for consideration via a written or verbal update on progress to Members.


The Committee agreed that it would not be considering the following matters at this time:


·       Looking at water quality and suitability for holding water events (e.g. wild swimming) at Arrow Valley Lake – It was reported that a report on this was not required as this matter was already progressing with water quality tests revealing satisfactory water quality at Arrow Valley Lake to enable it to hold water events from this summer.


·       Electric Vehicles (EV) chargers – It was noted that this area was progressing, with the Council in the process of final negotiations over the first lot of leases for electric charging points. The Committee felt that a report to Overview and Scrutiny was not needed at this point but that a verbal or written update to Members might be suitable at a later point in the municipal year.


·       Consideration of planning volume for solar / battery farms – It was agreed that this item was not suitable for consideration at Overview and Scrutiny and would be better considered as part of Planning Committee.


·       Housing development in specific areas of the Borough – It was agreed that this was not suitable for Overview and Scrutiny but would be considered via the Local Plan process.


Following Member discussion on selection of items to scrutinise at Overview and Scrutiny and Task / Working Group meetings in 2024-25, an additional recommendation was proposed by Councillor Warhurst with respect of asking the Executive Committee to review the Council’s constitution with a further check on policy to enable past Executive Committee Members to participate in Overview and Scrutiny in circumstances when they were previously involved in making Executive decisions which were due to appear for scrutiny at Overview and Scrutiny meetings.


It was clarified that currently the Councillors represented at Overview and Scrutiny who formed part of the Executive in prior municipal years were unable to participate in Overview and Scrutiny meetings where decisions the Executive made in prior years were being scrutinised in any capacity. This was noted as hindering the ability of some Overview and Scrutiny Members from participating in Overview and Scrutiny this year.


During the discussion, it was noted that this topic might be considered by Constitutional Review Working Party in the first instance; it was insisted by Councillor Warhurst that Executive Committee might be best placed to consider this matter.


The additional recommendation was seconded by Councillor Dormer and on being put to the vote agreed.




the Executive Committee further review the Council’s constitution with a further check on policy to enable past Executive Members to participate in Overview and Scrutiny when they were previously involved in Executive decisions.




1)    the items arising from the Overview and Scrutiny Training and Work Prioritisation Session be added to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme for 2024-25 municipal year as per the pre-amble included in the minute text above; and


2)    the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme be updated accordingly as per Member requests.

Supporting documents: