Agenda item

Homelessness Prevention Grant and Domestic Abuse Grant


The Housing Development and Enabling Manager presented a report on the subject of Homelessness Grant and Domestic Abuse Grant funding.


The Committee was informed that the report focused on the use of the funding that had been allocated to the Council by the Government to address homelessness and domestic abuse in the 2025/26 financial year.  There were a number of risks that could arise if this funding was not allocated as proposed, including a potential increase in homelessness rates in the Borough and a possible increase in use of Bed and Breakfast accommodation, resulting in increased financial costs to the Council.  There was also a risk that rates of rough sleeping could increase in Redditch if the proposals were not taken forward.  Members were assured that all recipients of grant funding would be required to enter into agreements with the Council.


Following the presentation of the report, Members discussed the proposed allocations to Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) groups and questions were raised about how additional grant funding would be distributed if this was received from the Government.  Officers clarified that a delegation had been requested to enable Officers to use both any unallocated funding and to make adjustments in relation to funding where necessary in order to meet local needs.


Reference was made to the reduction in Independent Living Support Grant funding from Worcestershire County Council to St Basils and Members highlighted the potential impact that this could have on services tackling homelessness in the Borough.  Members also noted that whilst the proposals detailed in the report would result in a reduction in funding for the Bromsgrove and Redditch branch of the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB), the services that had been previously funded through the CAB would remain available for residents to access elsewhere.  The Council also continued to provide financial support to the CAB through other grant schemes.


Consideration was given to the proposal to allocate funding to the Maggs service for a rough sleeper outreach and support service.  Members welcomed this proposal and commented that it was anticipated that this would result in an improvement to these services for vulnerable local people.


During consideration of this item, reference was made to the need for the Council to support victims of domestic abuse in the Borough and questions were raised about what further action the local authority could do to address this issue.  Officers clarified that in a two-tier authority area like Worcestershire, the County Council had more responsibilities in respect of tackling domestic abuse and therefore Worcestershire County Council received more funding than the district Councils in relation to this area.  However, Redditch Borough Council received domestic abuse grant funding in relation to addressing homelessness issues for victims of domestic abuse, as this was the responsibility of local district Councils.


Questions were raised about the number of victims of domestic abuse who tended to seek support from the Council when they were placed at risk of homelessness.  The Committee was informed that domestic abuse was a significant cause of homelessness nationally and therefore the Council was required to report data relating to this subject to the Government.  The Council also employed an Officer in the Housing Options team who had a specific role focused on supporting victims of domestic abuse and the available data demonstrated the value of this role and the impact that they were having locally.


Members discussed the various VCS groups in the Borough, including organisations that were not due to receive funding from the Council, that provided support to victims of domestic abuse.  Questions were raised about the extent to which further grant funding opportunities could be accessed to support the work of those groups.  Reference was also made to the potential for the Council to help better promote the work of these VCS groups in order to raise awareness of the support available amongst victims of domestic abuse as well as those at risk of domestic abuse.  It was noted that the subject of domestic abuse had previously been discussed through the Overview and Scrutiny process and that this might be a subject that the Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Panel or the main Overview and Scrutiny Committee might want to revisit in due course.




1)          the following initiatives be approved to receive allocation of funding 2025/26.


 Allocation of Homelessness Prevention Grant.




(up to £442,395)

Redditch Nightstop – Accommodation and Support


Redditch Nightstop Core Funding


Maggs Rough Sleeper Outreach Service £102,906.60 (of which £44,225 funded from RSI)


GreenSquare Accord – 18 units of supported accommodation for Ex Offenders or those likely to offend


Newstarts - Furniture Project to provide furniture for homeless households.


Homelessness Prevention - Spend to Save budget for use by Housing Options Officers


Temporary Accommodation Management


St Basils Young Persons Supported Housing


St Basils Young Persons Pathway Worker


St Basils Crash Pad emergency accommodation


Onside Advocacy Mental Health Support Worker


Worcestershire Strategic Housing Partnership Co-ordinator – contribution towards county-wide development and delivery of housing initiatives in partnership with other agencies  


CCP Single and Childless Couples Homeless Prevention Service


Batchley Support Group








  Allocation of Domestic Abuse Grant




(up to £37,522)

Domestic Abuse Co-ordinator


Domestic Abuse Research and Intelligence Officer


Domestic Abuse Housing Solutions Officer Top Up


New Starts


Batchley Support Group


St Basils Young Persons Pathway Worker (YPPW)


Redditch Nightstop







2)          delegated authority be granted to the Assistant Director Community and Housing Services following consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing and the Portfolio Holder for Community Services and Regulatory Services to use any unallocated Grant during the year or make further adjustments as necessary to ensure full utilisation of the Grants for 2025/26 in support of existing or new schemes.



Supporting documents: