Agenda item

23/01108/FUL - Heart of Worcestershire College, Osprey House, Albert Street, Redditch, B97 4DE


The application was reported to the Planning Committee because the application was for major development which also required a Section 106 planning obligation. As such the application fell outside the scheme of delegation to Officers.


Officers presented the report and in doing so, drew Members’attention to the presentation slides on pages 23 to 36 of the Site Plans and Presentations pack.

The application was for Osprey House, Albert Street, Redditch, B97 4DE and sought the Change of use of the existing building from education use (Use Class F1) to 33 supported living apartments (Use Class C2). The application also proposed the erection of a three storey 83 bed care home (Use Class C2).


Officers detailed the location of the development and its relation to the local road network. Officers further detailed the location of the existing and proposed building and site plans outlined on pages 26 to 30 of the Site Plans and Presentations pack.


27 underground car parking spaces were proposed beneath the care home building. An additional 35 above ground parking spaces would be provided making a total of 62 car parking spaces for the development in total.


The design of the new building would match the character of the area with inspiration being taken from British mills historic building which was in close proximity to the site.


Officers detailed that there were no highways or conservation objections subject to appropriate conditions and Section 106 contributions. Due to the Section 106 agreement, the recommendation was to delegate authority to the Head of Planning Regeneration and Leisure services to grant permission.


At the invitation of the Chair, Mr David Pickford, agent for the applicant, addressed the Committee in support of the application.


The following was clarified following question from Members.


  • There was no arrangement to differentiate parking for staff and visitors to the site between the under and above group car parks.
  • The Section 106 financial contributions which were requested were all single payments and the figures had been supplied by the relevant authorities based on their internal calculations.
  • The 33 assisted living units were single person units, the maximum capacity would therefore be 33 occupants.


Members then proceeded to debate the application.


Members were broadly in support of the application and expressed the opinion that the development was needed in Redditch, the development also made use of a vacant site and was noted to have a generous parking provision.


Some concern was raised regarding the distribution of parking for staff and visitors, although Members accepted that it could not be a condition due to the required tests set out in the NPPF including the enforceability of such a condition. The possibility of an informative was discussed, whereby officers were in agreement that an informative could be included but it would be at the discretion of the applicant / operator to enforce this. The informative was to restrict the underground parking to be used by employees only.


Councillor Bill Hartnett then proposed an Amendment to the Officer’s Recommendation to include such an Informative, wording to be determined by officers. The Amendment was seconded by Councillor David Munro and on being put to a vote was agreed by Members.


With the addition of the proposed amendment as detailed in the preamble above, the Officers recommendation was determined by Members and on being put to a vote it was




having had regard to the development plan and to all other material considerations, authority be delegated to the Head of Planning, Regeneration and Leisure Services to GRANT planning permission subject to:


a)    The satisfactory completion of the Section 106 Obligation.

b)    Conditions and Informatives outlined on pages 36 to 43 of the Public Reports pack

c)    The additional Informative as detailed in the preamble above.


Supporting documents: