report on the previous decisions of Overview and Scrutiny with
respect to Health Inequalities Task Group was presented to Members.
It was noted that in September 2022, the Overview and Scrutiny
Committee agreed to establish a Task Group titled ‘Health
Inequalities within the BME Community in Redditch’. This Task
Group was never launched, however, as other items around fly
tipping and bulky waste were prioritised at the time.
options that were open to Members with regard to this Health
Inequalities review were outlined. It was highlighted that the
responsibility over health and social care were the remit of
Worcestershire County Council (WCC), therefore, the role of any
task group established over this matter by the Borough Council
would be advisory in nature, and although the Task Group had the
power, via the Executive Committee (following prior endorsement by
Overview and Scrutiny Committee), to make recommendations to
external bodies, those bodies were not legally obliged to consider
those recommendations.
Following the presentation, Members debated the subject and
raised the following points:
- There was
consensus that this topic should be widened regardless of whether
the Committee would be minded to set up
a task group review. It was noted that it was more fruitful to
focus any investigation on the geography, identifying areas of
deprivation across the whole Borough and to focus on identifying
demographics suffering from health inequalities rather than
ethnicity as stated in the original topic proposal submitted in
September 2022. It was noted that data was available to identify
which areas of Redditch had high levels of health inequality
through County Council’s Public Health and Office of National
Statistics (ONS) statistics.
- Some Members
highlighted that although health inequalities constituted a serious
issue across Redditch, the Council’s powers in this area were
limited as health was a function over which the County Council
exercised control.
- The
Council’s Representative on the Worcestershire County
Council’s Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (HOSC)
addressed Members and commented that at the meeting of HOSC on
12th November 2024 issues in relation to public health
were discussed. The matters presented at that meeting were
county-wide but there was data specific to Redditch which
underscored the concern over health inequality in Redditch.
- The Representative
commented that female life expectancy in Redditch was one of the
lowest in Worcestershire and significantly lower than the national
average, whilst female life expectancy in Bromsgrove, Malvern
Hills, and Wychavon was significantly higher than the national
average. Male life expectancy in Redditch was close to the national
average, highlighting a discrepancy between male and female health
in Redditch.
- Analysis of Lower
Layer Super Output Areas (LSOAs), which were geographical areas
comprising between 400 to 1,200 households (1,000 to 3,000 persons)
and grouped together for statistical reasons, showed that
two-thirds of LSOAs with highest number of recorded emergency
hospital admissions in Worcestershire were located within Redditch
Borough, with LSOA areas in parts of Batchley Brook, Smallwood and Church Hill,
Winyates (around Ipsley Middle School)
being the areas with highest numbers of emergency admissions.
Moreover, these LSOAs had proportions of people in bad or very bad
health that far exceeded Worcestershire and England averages.
- The
Council’s Representative on the Worcestershire County
Council’s Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (HOSC) noted
that County Council’s Public Health had begun investigating
the possibilities of delivering intensive small area community
development in areas (LSOAs) suffering from high health inequality,
including those in Redditch. This would begin with exploration of
key causes of poor health outcomes in those areas and would involve
work with a number of agencies. The Representative reported that a
successful small area community development scheme had recently
been delivered in the Westlands area of Droitwich. It was
highlighted that WCC’s Public Health was looking for
assistance of elected members for these schemes.
- Some Members
highlighted that the County Council was responsible for public
health budget, and Borough Councillors ultimately had no
decision-making role in how that budget was spent. The role of
Borough Councillors was therefore to raise and highlight specific
concerns that required funding intervention to the County
- It was noted that
there was a role of Borough Councillors in terms of advising the
WCC’s Public Health team about local groups in each of those
areas and how any funding that might become available for health
interventions might be best spent in those areas. A concern was
raised in this regard by some Members about potential inequalities
in funding provided by the County Council to Redditch as compared
to other areas within the county.
- The Chief
Executive Officer addressed the Committee and stated that a meeting
with the Director of Public Health at Worcestershire County Council
had been arranged to discuss health inequality issues and poor
health outcomes in parts of Redditch. It was noted that
Members’ observations and concerns raised at tonight’s
meeting with respect to health inequalities, and Members’
concerns around potential inequalities of funding for health within
Worcestershire would be raised by the Chief Executive Officer at
that meeting. It was also highlighted that the subject of health
inequalities would be discussed at the next meeting of Redditch
District Collaborative.
- It was noted in
relation to the Redditch District Collaborative (RDC) that recently
the sub-group of lead partners had been meeting as part of this
forum rather than the group as a whole. A Member expressed concern
about this and queried if there was Member representation on the
RDC. It was explained that normal practice for district
collaboratives was for there to be no direct elected member
representation. At Redditch, it was the Redditch Partnership
Manager who represented the Leader of the Council and the Chief
Executive Officer at meetings of RDC. It was clarified further that
through RDC, issues in relation to health matters in Redditch were
fed back directly to the County Council. A Member queried whether
there should be more regular feedback to the Borough Councillors and it was agreed for Officers to
provide a response to this to the Member outside the meeting.
- It was requested
that details and notes from the next meeting of Redditch District
Collaborative be shared with Members.
- It was agreed as
an action, in light of the meeting to take place between the Chief
Executive Officer and the Director of Public Health at County
Council, that the Director of Public Health be asked to provide a
briefing note on health inequalities in Redditch.
- The Committee
agreed that any further discussion on the item of health
inequalities in Redditch would take place after Members had
received the briefing note.
That a
briefing note on health inequalities in Redditch be provided,
following consultation with Worcestershire County Council’s
Public Health team