Agenda item

Councillor Calls for Action (CCfAs) - Procedure

To consider the Councillor Call for action procedures adopted at other local authorities and to recommend suitable arrangements for CCfAs at Redditch Borough Council.


(Reports previously circulated)


Members considered information provided to them detailing case study examples of Councillor Calls for Action (CCfA) processes used by other local authorities.  Officers informed the Committee that the case studies demonstrated how the process could be documented and that the style of presentation either consisted of complex directions or a series of questions and answers.  Members commented that they thought some of the examples appeared to be lengthy and set out in an unappealing style.  They queried if the process had to be uniform across all local authorities or whether there was scope to tailor the approach to fit local circumstances.  Officers explained that there was a degree of flexibility for local authorities to develop their own approach.  There were however, certain elements that had to be incorporated.


Officers asked Members if there was any one particular example that they would prefer to use as the basis for Redditch’s CCfA procedures.  Members confirmed that they thought that the Kirklees example should be used. 




Officers develop the Council’s procedure for the Councillor Call for Action in accordance with the example adopted by Kirklees Council. 



Supporting documents: