Agenda item

Redditch Borough Play Audit and Investment Strategy - Update Report


An update on progress in implementing the play audit and investment strategy proposals was provided to the Committee. Members were informed that the Play Audit and Investment Strategy was adopted on 9th January 2024, following consideration by both the Overview and Scrutiny and Executive Committees.


It was recapped that the play audit was commissioned in 2023-24 and provided a number of key recommendations in respect of the play area provision in the Borough. Consultation with ward members and the local community was planned for early 2025 in relation to plans for a new play area at Abbey Fields (Terrys Fields Abbeydale), and about proposals for removal of play sites at Dolphin Road and Dale Road, earmarked for removal in 2026-27. The consultation for all three sites would take place at the same time and would enable officers to further understand the local need. It was clarified that the consultation had not been launched yet and all ward members for these sites would be contacted regarding this consultation within the next couple of months.


There would be further consultations planned for this financial year with regard to play areas at Throckmorton, Banners Lane, and Lodge Pool Drive (consultation with ward members and community about the type of equipment / options by a contractor). In addition, there would be consultation for Greenland’s Playing Fields to understand the local need. Play area refurbishment work to be carried out in the 2025-26 financial year would include Cardington Close, Lowlands Lane, Springvale Road play areas, in addition to repairs and maintenance work at Forge Mill play area.


Officers explained that in relation to play areas there were two types of consultation. Where there was a change proposed to an existing play area, the consultation would describe what type of equipment could be put in that play area and ask local residents for their views. This type of consultation would take place after a contractor had been procured to undertake the work, with the outcome of the consultation determining precise play equipment to be installed. The second type of consultation was where there was a proposal for reconfiguration of play areas such as play area creation or removal. In this case, the process began with the Portfolio Holder for Leisure about approach to be taken before any proposals for consultation were released.


Once the report had been presented, Members discussed the following points in detail:


  • Management of play areas on private roads and under private management – It was confirmed that for private play areas, residents should direct queries to the management company that managed their play area.
  • Maintaining play areas for use by older children and teenagers – The Officers responded that Council’s policy was that play areas should be sociable for children of all ages, which included providing space for teenagers to congregate in groups. However, graffiti was not allowed and was monitored by the Council. It was added that there was a play area inspector who visited play area sites on a regular basis to undertake checks on safety of equipment. In addition, visual checks were carried out by staff from Parks and Environmental Services teams.
  • Importance of area’s health factors when assessing suitable locations for play areas – It was noted that as part of the play audit, the approach to determining appropriate provision was through Redditch Play Accessibility Model which classified outdoor play spaces as local or neighbourhood level provision and defined targets for accessibility of this provision – i.e. walking distance from home to the play area. The play assessment and investment strategy attached set out an approach that would increase the accessibility of play provision across the Borough. In addition, the document took account of factors such as children and adolescent obesity in an area and general health deprivation when considering locations.
  • Localities where play equipment needed replacing – Members considered some play areas where concerns had been raised about the standard of the play areas. This included play areas in Matchborough ward – Eathorpe Close, which was due for removal in 2026-27 financial year and Matchborough Rocks.


The Portfolio Holder for Leisure was invited to address the Committee and in doing so took the opportunity to thank the officers for their work in preparing a detailed play investment strategy and for providing this progress update. The Portfolio Holder welcomed the scrutiny of this area by Overview and Scrutiny and noted that this item provided an opportunity to review the strategy for its continuing relevance. The Portfolio Holder for Leisure stated that consultation with residents and elected members would continue to be of paramount importance when deciding on any changes to play area provision.




the update to the Redditch Play Assessment at Appendix 1 (June 2023) and the Redditch Investment Strategy at Appendix 2 (December 2023), which is provided as Redditch Play Investment update at Appendix 3 (December 2024), be noted.

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