To consider Announcements under Procedure Rule 10:
a) Mayor’s Announcements
b) The Leader’s Announcements
c) Chief Executive’s Announcements.
The following announcements were made at the meeting:
a) The Mayor’s Announcements
The Deputy Mayor read out a statement on behalf of the Mayor at the meeting:
“My apologies for not being able to attend and chair this meeting. In my absence, I am grateful that the Deputy Mayor is able to deputise for me.
Happy New Year to everyone, and welcome back. I am sure we all recognise the number of challenges and changes we will face this year as a Council and as Councillors. Nevertheless, we must persevere and continue working for the residents of Redditch.
Since we last met as a Council, I have attended a number of events. However, I believe it is important to highlight yesterday’s event, where our town and council came together to mark 80 years since the Holocaust. People from diverse backgrounds gathered at the Holocaust Memorial marker, including representatives from the Council, the community, and fellow Councillors.
In the hope of building a better future, we must continue to promote diversity, love, respect, and kindness. As Councillors, what we write and share on social media carries significant influence over how people perceive and react. It is, therefore, our moral responsibility to ensure we promote facts over fiction. As the Mayor of Redditch, I urge you to think carefully before commenting or posting online.
I want to express my gratitude to everyone who came together yesterday, standing united against the minority who spread hate and fear. A special thank you to the Council officers and the Holocaust Committee for their excellent arrangements for the event, and to Councillor Hartnett for his remarkable work in making sure the event reflected the dignity and solemnity it deserves in our pursuit of a "Better Future."
Additionally, I wish to highlight the contributions of our two guest speakers: Mirsad Solakovic, a survivor of the Bosnian War who, at just 13 years old, endured unimaginable suffering, including torture by a Serbian soldier who turned out to be his schoolteacher; and Simon Winston, a Polish Holocaust survivor. Their stories deeply moved us all, reminding us of the importance of learning from the past to ensure a brighter and more inclusive future.
Thank you for listening, and I hope you have a productive and meaningful meeting.”
b) The Leader’s Announcements
The Leader advised that since the previous Council meeting he had attended a meeting of the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) Board alongside the Assistant Director of Regeneration and Property Services.
There had been a number of meetings of Worcestershire Leaders’ Board, which the Leader had attended alongside the Chief Executive. The subjects of devolution and the County Council elections had been discussed at these meetings.
The Leader had attended a number of civic events alongside the Mayor of the Borough of Redditch. This had included attending a number of carol concerts in the community prior to Christmas as well as the Holocaust Memorial Day commemorations on Sunday 26th January 2025.
During consideration of this item, Members had a robust debate regarding the Holocaust Memorial Day commemorations. Members noted that the event had been thought provoking and very emotional.
c) The Chief Executive’s Announcements
The Chief Executive advised Members that forms had been circulated prior to the meeting relating to the external audit process. Members were urged to complete a copy of this form, if they had not already done so, and to return this to the Section 151 Officer.