Agenda item

Statutory Officer Appointments - nominations to the positions of Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service and Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer


Members considered a report from the Joint Appointments Committee which detailed the process in respect of recruitment of a new Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service and a new Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer respectively.


The Joint Appointments Committee had appointed Members representing both Redditch Borough and Bromsgrove District Councils to serve on a Joint Appointments Sub-Committee.  This sub-Committee had acted as a joint recruitment panel, undertaking final interviews on 16th and 18th December 2024 with shortlisted candidates.  The Joint Appointments Sub-Committee had been advised by representatives of the recruitment consultants, GatenbySanderson, as well as the current Chief Executive and the Human Resources and Organisational Development Manager. 


At the end of the interview process, the Joint Appointments Sub-Committee had recommended the nomination of John Leach to the position of Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service and Robert Watson to the position of Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer.  In both cases, these nominations had been agreed unanimously.  The Joint Appointments Committee had endorsed these nominations at a meeting held on 8th January 2025.


The nominations were subject to approval by both Councils.  Bromsgrove District Council had already considered and approved the nominations, at a meeting of their Council held on 22nd January 2025.  Should the recommendations also be approved at the Redditch Council meeting, the two candidates would be appointed subject to the following further conditions:


·             Right to work verification checks

·             DBS criminal record checks

·             Medical clearance

·             Satisfactory reference checks


Council was reminded that there was a legal requirement for the authority to have officers in post in the statutory positions of Head of Paid Service and Section 151 Officer respectively.  It was confirmed that the current Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service and the current Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer would remain in post until the new officers commenced employment with the Councils, to ensure continuing compliance.


During consideration of this item, Members expressed their thanks to the current Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service for her hard work over the preceding 18 months as Chief Executive as well as her lengthy career at a senior level in local government.  Members also recorded their thanks to the current Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer for his hard work, particularly with regard to managing the Council’s finances and submission of three sets of accounts.


In discussing the report, Members commented that the Joint Appointments Committee was recommending the recruitment of two strong candidates.  Members expressed the view that they would be well placed to steer the Council through a likely period of uncertainty, given the context of devolution and local government reorganisation.


Reference was made in the debate to the reasons why both candidates had applied for the positions and the extent to which local government devolution could have ramifications for the recruitment process.  Council was informed that both candidates were ambitious and dynamic.  They were both keen to work with Members to support the organisation and welcomed challenges as opportunities.  Members were reminded that despite devolution, local government services needed to continue to be delivered.




1)          to note the Joint Appointments Committee has completed a rigorous selection process to recruit a new Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service and a new Deputy Chief Executive and Section151 Officer;


2)          to approve the appointment of John Leach as Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service, subject to satisfactory reference and eligibility checks;


3)          to note that the salary agreed for the Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service is within the range approved by Redditch Borough Council’s Pay Policy as the employing authority;


4)          subject thereto, John Leach to be made available under the shared services arrangements with Bromsgrove District Council to perform such duties as are required in his capacity as Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service for Bromsgrove District Council;


5)          subject to agreement of resolution 2 above, John Leach be appointed as the Returning Officer and Electoral Registration Officer for Redditch Borough Council;


6)          subject to the prior approval by Bromsgrove District Council as employing authority, to approve the appointment of Robert Watson as Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer, to fulfil the purposes of Section 151 of the Local Government 1972, subject to satisfactory reference and eligibility checks;


7)          to note that the salary agreed for the Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer is within the range approved by Bromsgrove District Council’s Pay Policy as the employing authority;


8)          the current Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service and Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer to remain in post until John Leach and Robert Watson have commenced employment with the authorities; and


9)          the current Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service to remain the authority’s Returning Officer and Electoral Registration Officer until the new Chief Executive commences employment with the authority.


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