Agenda item


To consider Announcements under Procedure Rule 10:


a)           Mayor’s Announcements


b)           The Leader’s Announcements


c)           Chief Executive’s Announcements.




The following announcements were made during the meeting:


a)          The Mayor’s Announcements


A written record of some of the key civic engagements that had been attended by the Mayor in January and February 2025 was tabled at the meeting for Members’ consideration (Appendix A).


b)          The Leader’s Announcements


The Leader advised that he had attended and chaired a recent meeting of the Worcestershire Leaders’ Board, which had also been attended by the Chief Executive.  The main subject of discussion at this meeting had been devolution and Local Government Reorganisation.  During this meeting, the Leader had conveyed the view that his preferred option for devolution locally would be to have a North Worcestershire Unitary Authority serving the Borough of Redditch.  However, it was recognised that at this stage Members should remain open to considering two distinct options; one unitary authority for the whole county as one option and two unitary authorities, for the north and south of the county, as an alternative option.  This approach had been supported by five of the seven Leaders who had been in attendance at the meeting. 


A report would be prepared on the subject of devolution for consideration at the extraordinary Council meeting, due to take place on 17th March 2025.  The Leader expressed the view that the Council needed to assure residents that no option would be adopted without first being subject to a thorough review.  Members were advised that the Leader would undertake to work with the leader of the opposition to consider what would best work for the people of Redditch.


During consideration of this item, the Leader highlighted that this was due to be the last ordinary Council meeting that would be attended by the current Chief Executive and the current Deputy Chief Executive.  As such, the Leader commented that he wished to use the opportunity to place on record his thanks to both officers for their hard work and support.  The leader of the opposition and Councillor Davies were also invited to contribute their comments as part of this process.


In paying tribute to the Deputy Chief Executive, Members commented that he was an officer who worked with sincerity, integrity and, at appropriate times, with humour.  When he had first commenced employment with the Council, there had been a number of challenges which he had worked hard, alongside the Financial Services team, to address.  Members recognised that the Deputy Chief Executive had worked extremely hard, often working late hours and at weekends, to ensure that the Council’s financial situation was managed efficiently, and in accordance with Members’ decisions. 


Members subsequently paid tribute to the Chief Executive and in doing so recognised that she had worked for many years for Redditch Borough Council, having been promoted through a number of positions in her career up to a senior level.  Over the last 15 years, the Chief Executive had served initially as Deputy Chief Executive for Redditch Borough and Bromsgrove District Councils, managing shared services across the two authorities, before stepping up to the position of joint Chief Executive following the retirement of the previous Chief Executive.  Throughout her career, Members expressed the view that the Chief Executive had placed the community at the heart of everything that she did and had always worked hard to identify constructive solutions to any issues raised by Members. 


Members concluded their remarks by extending their best wishes for the future to both the Chief Executive and the Deputy Chief Executive.


c)          The Chief Executive’s Announcements


The Chief Executive thanked Members for their comments and confirmed that she had no announcements to make on this occasion.