Agenda item

Portfolio Holder for Housing, Local Environment and Health - Annual Report

To receive a presentation from the Portfolio Holder for Housing, the local environment and Health, Councillor Brandon Clayton, based on questions proposed by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


(Report attached).


The Chair welcomed Councillor Brandon Clayton, the Portfolio Holder for Housing, Local Environment and Health, to the meeting.  Councillor Clayton presented his report in accordance with the questions set by the Committee.


a)           What are your plans for Redditch Borough Council’s housing stock?  Is it your intention to sell the stock?


Councillor Clayton explained that it was not his intention to sell the housing stock, rather, he intended to ensure that all Council owned housing would be brought up to the Decent Homes standards. 


Members commented that they had encountered constituents who as part of the five year plan had been promised new kitchens and bathrooms but had experienced delays in these being installed.  Councillor Clayton informed the Committee that initially, the figures in the five year plan had been incorrect and there was a £3.5 million shortfall from the plan.  Some roads had also been missed from the Saffron system.  As a consequence of this, some roads had experienced delays.  However, this problem had been rectified.  Members asked if they could be informed of what roads had been missed from the Saffron system. 


Members questioned if Councillor Clayton had concerns regarding the long term financial viability of the housing stock.  Councillor Clayton assured the Committee that the money was in place to deliver the plan up until its confirmed end in 2012.


b)           How do you rank the different elements of your portfolio?


Councillor Clayton confirmed that his portfolio was large.  However, he made certain that he dealt with all three elements that constituted his portfolio equally.  No one portfolio area took precedence.  However, from time to time, some areas needed to be prioritised and dealt with on a more urgent basis. 


c)            What action are you taking to reduce the levels of teenage pregnancy in Redditch?


Councillor Clayton explained that he took this matter seriously.  He was scheduled to meet with seven head teachers from schools in Redditch to discuss the issue. He was also meeting with relevant Primary Care Trust representatives based in the town at Arrow Vale Youth Centre, Kingsley Youth Centre and the NEW College.  Councillor Clayton noted that the areas in Redditch which have the highest rate of teenage pregnancy were in the Central, Church Hill and Greenlands ward. 


The Committee was pleased with the actions that were being taken by the Portfolio Holder on this issue.  It was noted by Members that prevention was an important aspect of this work both with young people generally and with those who had already had their first child.  The work that Sure Start had been undertaking with young mothers was highlighted as important in tackling this issue. 


d)           What are your top three priority actions for reducing CO² emissions?


Councillor Clayton explained that one of the Council’s targets was to reduce carbon emissions and work was currently being undertaken on a strategy to address this issue.  In addition, a number of measures were being taken by the Council to help reduce carbon emissions.  The Council had worked in partnership with Worcestershire County Council to deliver the Warmer Worcestershire project, which enabled residents to utilise a web based tool to establish the amount of heat that was lost from their house. 


Councillor Clayton stated that he wanted to reduce the Town Hall’s carbon footprint by 2% each year.  He also wanted to work with Registered Social Landlords to increase the numbers of low carbon houses in the Borough.  A project evaluating the impact of running electric cars for business use was also being undertaken by the Council.


e)           What are you doing to increase the range of items covered by recycling? Can we have an update on the timescales involved in extending recycling coverage to a greater variety of plastics?


Councillor Clayton noted that the amount of waste collected for recycling had only increased by 2% during the last quarter which was less than expected.  He informed Members that the Waste Strategy which contained further information regarding the disposal of waste and recycling for the County, would be provided at the extra Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting on 1st October. 


A new Material Recovery Facility (MRF) system was being built which would enable all Worcestershire local authorities to recycle a wider variety of materials including margarine tubs and waxed cardboard.  Officers informed the Committee that it was important that the Council continually reviewed the amount of waste being recycled and going to landfill.  The amount of waste that was currently being taken to landfill needed to be reduced otherwise the County Council was liable to face large penalties.


Members commented that the Shredder Man service which was in operation a couple of years previously, was an effective scheme.  Members felt that it would be more cost effective to reinstate this scheme and also encourage people to compost as an alternative to introducing a garden waste collection scheme. 




1)         Officers provide further information about the roads omitted from         the SAFFRON system; and


2)         the report be noted. 


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